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Are you suffering from PCOS? Ask your doctor about do’s and don’ts

Are you suffering from PCOS - sofatinfertility


PCOS is the quite common issue these days especially among the teenagers and young females. Even the studies have claimed that every girl after 10 is suffering from this condition so it is essential to discuss to understand about this condition and about some do’s or don’t as per the opinion of experts

What is PCOS?

PCOS is the polycystic ovary syndrome which is generally caused due to the imbalance of the hormone levels inside the females.  When the level of female or male hormones means the level of androgen or testosterone hormones respectively get disturbed then females suffer due to the occurrence of this syndrome. Most common consequences of this syndrome are irregular periods, acne or unwanted hair growth which can vary from mild to severe and can be different for different PCOS patients. Obesity or overweight also some signs of this condition and now also available PCOS treatment in India.

What is PCOS - sofatinfertility Images

PCOS women must avoid doing the following things

  1. Smoking should be avoided as it can make the PCOS women at higher risk of heart attacks and diabetes.
  2. Avoid eating the high sugar foods as this condition is linked to insulin resistance so your regular check of sugar intake is essential with this syndrome otherwise there can be the risk of diabetes so avoid eating many sugary foods and switch to natural sugar and whole foods
  3. It is advisable to PCOS women to stay active and do some exercises so that metabolism can be improved and you could have improved insulin resistance and do not be a couch potato as it will get you at the higher risk level of heart disease.
  4. Schedule your regular visits to your doctor especially if you are taking infertility treatment as your regular checkups can help you to stay away from complications or symptoms of this syndrome.

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