30 Days Schedule To IVF Success: Diet, Chemical, sex and more

The 30 Day Guide To IVF Success Diet, Chemical, sex and more.jpg


Perfect guidelines to IVF success

Pregnancy is one of the most precious and beautiful phases in any women’s life. But there are many women who are experiencing problem conceiving naturally. This is the reason, why the need for IVF treatment is increasing gradually.

No doubt, undergoing any type of medical procedure can be stressful and a lot of things go through our mind. In the same way, planning for the IVF treatment is also comes with different factors and we have to keep all those things in mind. This will surely increase the chances of pregnancy and the baby will be born healthy.

Preparing for the IVF cycle

There are various stages which are involved in the treatment of the IVF cycle. Duration of each cycle is different and as your body is going through a change you have to take proper care. You should visit the best IVF centre in India for the treatment.

  • Four weeks before the cycle starts

You have to follow your doctor and keep your body fit and healthy so that your body can cope up with changes that are made during the IVF treatment.

  • IVF cycle

The first day of the cycle is when your periods start. After that, fertility drugs are given which helps in stimulating the egg production. Once the eggs are matured enough they will be released from the ovaries so that they can be kept with sperm for fertilization. Once the embryo is formed it will be transferred back to the woman’s reproductive tract.

Food plays a major role in IVF Success

Before and after the treatment you should eat a balanced diet as it really affects the chances of a successful pregnancy. This means you should include all the essential nutrients and vitamins in your diet which will give your body strength.

To improve the quality of the egg and as well as sperm production include antioxidants, minerals, and Vitamins in your diet. Include spinach, avocados, berries, fruits, nuts, fiber, low-fat dairy products, and whole grains. Moreover, you should also increase the intake of water as it also helps your body to function properly.

Get enough sleep

Sleeping also plays an essential role in fertility. This means it is essential that you should get at least 7 to 8 hours of sleep. This will definitely help to increase the chances of pregnancy and IVF cycle will go smoothly. Before sleeping, you can listen to soft music, take a warm shower, and don’t use the phone before bed.

Products and chemicals to avoid

You should definitely limit the use of products which contain certain chemicals as they will affect reproductive health. Avoid food with packaging material as it is not good for health. Avoid the use of chemicals such as benzophenone, triclosan, Parabens, and Formaldehyde as they are found in moisturizers, soap, and nail polish.

  • Nail polish
  • Cosmetics
  • Moisturizers
  • Soap
  • Food packaging materials
  • Art clay
  • Plastic
  • Medication coatings
  • Cosmetics with fragrance

Supplements to take during treatment

Before your IVF cycle starts, you should start taking prenatal Vitamin so that your folic acid is increased. The vitamins are very essential for different things such as boosting sperm health and preventing spinal birth defects. L-arginine is great for increasing the ovarian reserve and the chances of IVF also increases. Doctors also advise to include fish oil which is great for embryo development. Another option is vitamin D which is great in preventing several health problems. It is important that you should consult the doctor before taking any supplement as they guide you better according to your health.

Do`s and Don`ts of IVF Intercourse

  • Sex should be responsible for making these babies


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