In- vitro fertilization is the popular treatment that has blessed many infertile couples. It is the procedure in which male sperms are mixed with female eggs outside the body under controlled conditions of lab. Natural cycle IVF or natural IVF is also similar to the common IVF procedure but this procedure is done without the use of fertility drugs.
In this procedure woman’s monthly menstrual is monitored with the regular month wise ultrasounds. Female body selects the natural egg around the 10th day of menstrual cycle then this egg is retrieved and mixed with the male sperm to allow fertilization of it in the cultured dish
Once the fertilization occurs then the developed embryo is implanted in the intended mother’s uterus for conception. Even the natural IVF can be combined with ICSI procedure for low or poor quality sperm males without ovulation induction.
- Natural IVF is Drug Free Infertility Treatment Procedure as in this procedure no medication is used to induce the ovulations so that ovaries can produce multiple eggs. However in the conventional procedure ovulation induction is the first step in which fertility drugs are given to females for the production of eggs.
- In the natural IVF only single embryo is transferred in the womb unlike the conventional procedure in which at one time multiple embryos can be implanted in the uterus.
- In the stimulated or conventional IVF women have to take fertility drugs for 9-10 days so that both ovaries can produce multiple eggs there is not as such time taken in the natural procedure.
- Even in the natural IVF patients have to visit infertility centers only 2-3 times whereas in other procedure these visits can be 6-7.
This natural procedure of in –vitro – fertilization can give various benefits to childless couples as follows
- As in this procedure fertility drugs are not used for ovulation so there is not any risk for OHSS
- This procedure can be repeated in the consecutive months after one to two failed cycles
- This procedure is less expensive as due to no burden of cost for fertility drugs
- It can work even for older women
- It diminishes the chances of multiple birth near to zero
There can be some disadvantages too of this procedure as follows
- In the procedure single egg is used for fertilization so it leads to reduction in the chances for successful fertilization.
- In case of production of poor quality egg this procedure can get failure.
Dr. Sumita Sofat IVF Hospital always ensure the best quality treatment by keeping satisfaction and safety of patient on top. We offer Natural Cycle IVF to patient as first treatment option as it can save their time, money and even can give successful results.
Our IVF specialist Dr. Sumita Sofat ensures the production of one good egg, making one good embryo to give one healthy baby by utilizing her best knowledge and experience of many years.