7 Health Problems You May Face During Pregnancy

7 Health Problems You May Face During Pregnancy 1

Millions of couples are dealing with infertility. Fertility specialists in India offers varied methods for curing the condition. But one must be prepared for the hormonal upheavals and physical and emotional changes which one experiences during this special period. We will guide along the way-

  1. Morning sickness

This is the most common symptom of pregnancy. It is better to eat something right in the morning after getting up to avoid such a condition. Don’t miss meals, but switch to smaller meals. Avoid spicy food and opt for a smaller portion of drinks. Avoid food that makes you feel nauseous. Ginger tea might be a good option to curb the feeling. If severe vomiting is noted, it’s best to visit a doctor.

  1. Backache

The body is preparing you for the labor. This is made possible by making the ligaments softer so that they can stretch. The process causes a stress on the joints of the pelvis and lowers back. This leads to a backache. The extra weight in the pelvic area also contributes to the pain. It is best to avoid backaches by avoiding lifting heavy weights. It is advised that you bend your knees to pick up something while keeping your back straight. Women must wear flat shoes to distribute their weight evenly. Avoid standing and sitting for long hours. Keep your back straight when you are in a sitting position.

  1. Bladder problems

Many women face the problem of constipation during their pregnancy period. Some might need to empty their bladder often. Some might even suffer from bladder incontinence. Piles may also be experienced by some. It is better that you remain physically active during your pregnancy. It will help you in dealing with the discomfort. If constipation is the problem you are facing, opt for a high fiber diet which includes a lot of whole grain bread and cereals. You should also drink a lot of water and consume a lot of fruits and vegetables.

  1. Thick hair

Due to estrogen high production, the hair seems thicker as the cycle of the hair strands is extended beyond its natural time (2-3 months). The hair stays longer in the growing phase during this period.

  1. Thin hair

On the other hand, some women might experience thinning hair due to hormonal imbalance. Hair fall during pregnancy will be experienced if estrogen is not being produced in the required amount.

  1. Changes in the skin

The skin stretches to accommodate the growing baby.  This leads to stretch marks. In addition, one may experience dark patches on the face as well as other parts of the body like cheeks,  nose, and forehead. This condition is known as chloasma. This is triggered by the increased production of melanin during pregnancy. The spots may fade after a few months of delivering the baby, but in some cases, they may fade after some years. One should be careful about sun exposure and using sunscreens during outdoor visits. Women with brown skin are more susceptible to this condition.

  1. Fatigue and faintness

While fatigue is often experienced during this period, faintness may also be felt during some occasions. The cause of this condition is the lack of flow of blood and oxygen to the brain. If you stand quickly from a sitting position, it could often be experienced. But it can also be felt while lying down. To avoid such a situation, it is best to get slowly after sitting or lying down. If you feel faint while you are standing, immediately find a chair and sit till the bout lasts. Lie for some time if it doesn’t get over.

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