9 topmost FAQs about fertility treatment answered by the fertility experts

9 topmost FAQs about fertility treatment answered by the fertility experts


Do you know?

Sofat infertility and the women care centre is the best IVF centre in Punjab.

When people opt up for IVF treatment, a lot of questions pop up in their mind. So today we have attempted to answer all those questions which the couples want to know from the experts of the test tube baby centre in Punjab.

So are you ready to begin with:

  • Which hospital is best for IVF?

As we know there are several IVF centres in Punjab which claim to provide the best and successful IVF treatment. But should you trust them? No, not every advertisement is trustworthy. We have to consider a lot of factors before ending up with the selection of the IVF treatment like the experience & qualifications of the doctors, previous success rate, nature of the technologies being used.

If we want to find one hospital which fits perfectly in the above-mentioned description. Then it is Sofat infertility and women care centre.

  • How do I choose the best IVF centre in India?

You should take the following factors into account to find the best IVF centre in India:

  • Skills, qualifications and training of the fertility experts

  • Experience of the gynaecologist

  • The success rate of the particular centre

  • Reviews of the previously served patients

  • Location of the clinic

  • Type of the technology being used

  • Which country is considered best for IVF treatment?

After Denmark, India is becoming the first choice for the couples who are finding the effective IVF treatment. The best IVF centres like Sofat infertility and woman care centres have contributed a lot in making India the preferable choice for couples seeking fertility treatment.

  • Can IVF work for the first time?

In 70% of the cases, IVF treatment works for the first time.

  • Why does IVF fail the first time?

IVF treatment fails for the first time if it is performed by unqualified, inexperienced or non-trained fertility experts. Not only the doctors can be held responsible for the failure of the IVF treatment. Sometimes it is the negligence of the couples in following the precautionary or preventive measures which lead to the failure of the IVF treatment.

  • Can I use Medisave for IVF?

We can surely use Medisave for IVF. Not only for the IVF but Medisave is considered claimable as far as the following assisted reproductive technologies are concerned:

  • Hormonal treatments

  • Embryo transfer

  • Thawing of the embryo

  • Ovarian stimulation

  • How should I choose the doctor for IVF?

You cannot judge the doctor until you have met them. So initial consultation helps you a lot to know whether you are taking fertility treatment from the right doctor.

  • Is IVF a painful process?

IVF is not at all a painful process. There are only two stages in the treatment which are invasive and that too are performed under the effect of anaesthesia.

  • What age is good for IVF?

Women who want to conceive with their eggs

36 years

A woman who wants to conceive with the donor eggs

40 years

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