For any couple facing infertility, try to visit Dr. Sofat Infertility Clinic for a solution. Many women suffer and have to deal with infertility for many years because they do not get the right treatment for the problem they have. This is my experience that I and my husband Krishan Lal had to go through after being married for 30 years, but no children at all. We had different treatments from herbal and medical doctors, but could not find the exact cause of our infertility. Eventually, we were able to see Dr. Sumita on TV and decided to try our luck there. We were all tired and almost at the verge of giving up, but couldn’t settle until we get at least one offspring who would take care of us in our old age.
We had to shift from Bathinda to see the doctor and also reduce the cost and the hardships of long journeys. We had different blood tests and examinations. We had a problem of unexplained infertility a situation where the cause of infertility cannot be detected. Everything was okay for myself and my husband, but couldn’t just conceive. We decided to have IVF treatment that takes quite a big period of time. We had to go for at least two cycles for me to conceive. The process was long, but I am thankful that I got what I wanted and that was a baby boy who is healthy and making us laugh all the time.
Thanks, Dr. Sumita