A Simple Diet Chart for Pregnant Women

How does diet affect fertility

A healthy and right diet in pregnancy is important for the mother and her baby’s health. When you are pregnant, you can take nutritional foods which help to provide nutrients to your baby. It is vital for baby growth and development. You can take rich nutrients and avoid high surgery, salt and saturated fats. If you gain weight in pregnancy, it is normal. In some cases, complications and risks can increase for a baby or mother if you have too much and little weight.

It is vital to maintain your healthy weight. You can avoid taking more medicine. It can impact the baby’s growth and development. It is important to make a diet chart. It helps you or your baby get proper nutrients and provide energy. If you are seeking expert help to make the right diet chart, visit the IVF Centre in Punjab

First Trimester 

When you are pregnant, you often feel morning sickness. You can maintain your diet by eating little portions and eating regular meals. It helps to supply sufficient nutrients to you or your baby. If you feel uncomfortable, like nausea and vomiting, you can take ginger. It helps to ease the signs. You can take whole, lean proteins, fruits and veggies. It helps to support you and your 

baby. But it is essential to rest well and drink lots of water. 

Second Trimester 

In the second trimester, you have got more energy levels. It is a vital time for your baby’s growth. You can take sufficient calcium. It can help to grow the bone. You can take in dairy products like milk, yogurt and cheese. You can also eat spinach, lentils and red meat to help in preventing further risk. That food is iron-rich, which helps blood production for both the mother and baby. 

Essential elements of a pregnancy diet


It is an essential component for the baby’s growth and development. You can take from dairy products, beans and nuts. 

Calcium and fiber 

You can take calcium products that help to develop a healthy bone. You can take rich fibre foods like whole grains, fruits and vegetables. It helps to improve digestive health and prevent constipation issues.  

Iron product 

Rich iron products help to increase blood production. You can get it from lean meats and lentils. 

Folic acid and omega-3 fatty acids 

You can take proper leafy green and whole grains because it is essential to preventing birth defects. You can take omega-3 fatty acids. It helps to develop the brain and vision.  

Avoid some foods 

When you are pregnant, you can avoid certain foods like raw and undercooked meats and some dairy products and take small amounts of caffeine. It can impact pregnancy and baby growth. 

Stay hydrated 

Pregnant women need to stay hydrated. You should drink 9 to 10 glasses per day. You can maintain your hydration level through fresh fruit juice, coconut water and herbal tea. 

Consult with your health provider. 

When you are pregnant, routine checkups are essential to know about the baby’s growth. Before making your diet chart, you can consult with your health provider at the IVF Centre in Punjab so that you get proper nutrients that are beneficial for you or your baby. 
When you create a simple pregnancy diet that includes balanced meals, hydration, and avoiding certain foods, it is not just about eating, it helps to provide nutrients for the baby and mother. If you are seeking consultation and want to know about baby growth, visit Dr. Sumita Sofat IVF Hospital. Our Best IVF Centre in Srinagar offers guidance so you can give a healthy birth.

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