Everything you need to know about female and male infertility

Infertility In Both Men And Women

Infertility doesn’t mean losing hope

Infertility does take an emotional toll on mental and emotional well-being. No doubt, as the prevalence rate of infertility is getting higher, it’s essential for everyone to enlighten themself and know which approach would make a difference. Infertility is the state in which a couple tries to conceive on their own but is not able to do so within one year or six months. For the infertile couple, the IVF Centre in Punjab becomes a ray of hope to boost the chances of pregnancy.

Infertility conditions get better when you consult the fertility doctor at the earliest. The doctor checks your condition and enlightens you about your infertility journey. An advanced approach like IVF, ICSI, IUI, egg donor, and many other options are an important part of female infertility treatment.

Causes of Female infertility

Some of the common causes of female infertility are:

  • Increasing maternal age

The increase in age is the biggest concern of having difficulty getting pregnant. With age, the egg count and quality see a greater decline. And that’s why the chances of natural conception are less with an increased need for infertility treatment.

  • Ovulation disorder

Sometimes the women’s ovulation cycle is not regular, or mature eggs won’t work and release on time.

  • Tubal blockage

If the fallopian tubes are blocked due to sexually transmitted infectionsinfections like gonorrhea, chlamydia, and PID, then natural conception is a problem.

  • Endometrial polyps

Endometrial is finger-like growth that occurs in the uterine cavity, and around 50% of individuals suffer from infertility due to the same.

  • Uterine fibroids

Another reason is uterine fibroids in around 40% of the cases. There’s a possibility the uterine size will cause problems.

Causes of Male Infertility

Some major causes of male infertility are low sperm production, abnormal sperm function, blockage, and erectile dysfunction. It means with all these conditions; there’s a high possibility of sperm having a problem. Additionally, the factor of injury, illness, hormonal imbalance, chronic health concerns, and lifestyle preferences can be the reason for increased complications during the pregnancy journey. With any of these conditions, the male partner needs a medical evaluation. The doctor will check what’s wrong and accordingly tell with which treatment plan you have to proceed.

Please note!

To check male infertility, it’s essential to consider a healthy sperm count and the right amount of semen volume. Additionally, sperm concentration should be in the right amount to help ease the pregnancy journey. Motile and healthy sperm is essential to making the conception journey go with ease.

Possible risk factor for male infertility

There are a few common risk factors that increase the chance of causing male infertility:

  • Using tobacco smoke products
  • Use of illicit drugs
  • Being overweight
  • Alcohol intake
  • Have or had some infection
  • Highly exposed to toxins
  • Testicles getting overheated
  • Intake of some medications
  • Testicles being a part of the trauma
  • Need to undergo pelvic or abdominal surgery or vasectomy
  • Born with fertility disorder

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