The Best Macro Diet For PCOS

The best macro diet for PCOS


Sofat Infertility & Women Care Centre: As women continue to suffer from the condition of PCOS, the medical journals and lifestyle articles are brimming with the ideal diet for it. So we decided to ask the IVF centre about it and this is the information that we got. We know that our diet comprises of macro and micronutrients. While the macronutrients compromise of fats, carbohydrates, and proteins, micronutrients contain vitamins and minerals.

As the terms suggest, macronutrients are required in large quantities by the body while the micronutrients are required in small amounts. Women with PCOS should ideally consume 25% carbs, 35% protein, and 40% fat. This diet will help them feel more satisfied after meals, along with providing a good amount of fiber and maintaining gut-health.

Some important macros

Macronutrients are known as macros in short. Macronutrients mainly provide us with the energy we need for our daily activities. Carbohydrates, fats, and proteins are the main macros of our diet.


These are the main source of energy for our bodies. When they get digested, they get broken down into glucose in the body. The glucose can be used by the body readily and promptly as it is the simplest form of food. However, we must be careful about which carbs we are having. While a pizza will give us little fiber, little nutrition, and a bloated feeling, a whole grain dish will give us nutrition, fiber, and low calories.

Too much carbohydrate / the wrong types of carbs

If we consume too many carbs, the body releases insulin to digest and transport the glucose from the bloodstream to all parts of the body. After the muscle and cells have been supplied the glucose, the excess glucose is stored in the body as fat.

Carbs and PCOS

Women with PCOS need more insulin than normal people to manage their excess glucose levels in the blood. Also, their insulin resistant ovaries release too much testosterone. In short, if these women manage their insulin levels, they will also be able to manage their testosterone levels. We tend to think that carbs are the culprits and should be shunned. However, it is not true at all; all we need to do is pick our carbs sensibly. Choosing carbs with fibrous content and regulating their portions will help us get rid of excess sex hormones. Also, fiber plays a vital role in maintaining gut health and PCOS.


Fats have often made out to be the culprit behind our weight gain. However, it should not be ignored that fats perform an important role in our bodies. Every cell requires fats. But fats do contain more calories than the same amount of protein. Having a high-fat diet makes weight loss quite difficult as we need to burn more calories than we eat to lose weight.


Proteins play a significant role in producing new tissues for growth. They also help the body in tissue repair and regulation of body functions. Protein is also an important constituent of enzymes necessary for digestion, protection, and immunity. The main source of protein can be found in animal products but plant-based sources of protein can also be included in our diet.

We require approximately 1.4g of protein per kg of bodyweight. An average woman weighing 68 will need about 95g of protein per day. Of course, women who do a lot of strength training will require more protein. It will make sense to women with PCOS to take more protein and fewer carbs to manage their condition.

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