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Bursting the Myths regarding the IVF procedure


Lot of people have a lot of misconceptions and myths regarding the IVF procedure. In this video our senior most Dr. Sumita Sofat will be bursting with all those myths and misconceptions regarding the IVF procedure. Many people think that IVF is a painful procedure which is not correct. IVF is not a painful procedure. Many people consider that it will harm your body or have many side effects but as per our experienced doctor is saying in this video there are no such harm effects and side effects related to the IVF treatment. One of the quite famous myths about the IVF treatment is that you need to take complete bed rest and eat specifically after the embryo is transferred for the successful IVF procedure. But this is not true at all, you need to live your normal routine after the embryo is transferred.

If you are planning to get IVF and has many doubts and myths regarding the IVF procedure in your mind then we suggest you consult the expert team of doctors at the Sofat Infertility & Women Care Centre.They will be understanding your situation completely and taking your all queries regarding the IVF procedure to guide you with the right path. We are available with the best medical facilities and advancement treatment procedures at a reasonable cost price as well. Visit us today!

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