If you are pregnant then it is quite normal that you could have fear of miscarriage in your subconscious mind always especially if it is your first baby so for you, it is important to understand about all facts related to miscarriage.
What is the miscarriage?
If we define it in medical term then it is “spontaneous absorption” means it is the process of aborting the baby but not willingly but spontaneously.
It is the condition in which pregnant women loss its fetus just before 20 weeks of pregnancy. On an average basis, 50% of pregnancies end in miscarriage just before they are recognized by the females however this ratio of miscarriage is lesser in recognized pregnancies but still it is 15% to 20%, the miscarriage occurs after 20 weeks then it is termed as a late miscarriage.
Most common causes
Following are some most common causes of miscarriage among the pregnant women
· Chromosomal issues
Sometimes chromosomal issues can prevent the embryo to grow and become the cause of miscarriage or the end of a pregnancy. During the fertilization female egg and male sperm bring the 23 chromosomes together to create equal pairs of them and a minor glitch in this complex process may become the reason for genetic abnormality and prevent the fetus to grow further. Even most of the researchers claim that these chromosomal issues are culprits for most miscarriages.
· Disturbed hormonal balance
Hormonal imbalance can create many issues for pregnancy, for instance, disturbed or lower level of progesterone can prevent the fertilized egg to get the implant in the uterus for further continuous pregnancy and become the cause of miscarriage
· Uterine issues
Uterine issues like uterine fibroids inside the uterus can become a hindrance for successful implantation and blood supply to the fetus and become the reason for the sudden and unexpected end of pregnancy
· Chronic disorders
Some serious disorders like autoimmune, liver diseases, kidney problems, heart problems, lupus, or prolonged illness like high fever can lead to miscarriage as these issues can damage the embryo and prevent it from growing.
· Other issues
Apart from the above most common causes of miscarriage, there are some other reasons that can lead to the early end of pregnancy like drug abuse, smoking and excess alcohol consumption, infections, maternal trauma like an accident, or some emotional and mental stress.
Common symptoms
The most obvious sign of miscarriage is sudden vaginal bleeding but along with bleeding some women experience symptoms like
- Cramps that can vary from mild to severe
- Back pain
- Pain in abdomen
- No more pregnancy symptoms like nausea or vomiting
- White or pink mucus
- Heavy bleeding with clots
How to prevent it?
Unfortunately, as miscarriage is the sudden and unexpected end of pregnancy so cannot be prevented but in some cases when the IVF fertility doctor in India identifies the problems with pre-testing then treatment options are there to prevent this unexpected condition up to some extent for instance treatment of woman’s illness can improve the chances of successful pregnancy and can prevent miscarriage.