Common Ovulation Disorders

Common Ovulation Disorders

If you are not having regular periods each month then you can have the ovulation problem which can lead to infertility issues.

What is ovulation?

It means the release of an matured egg from the ovaries. In the female ovaries there are many ovarian follicles which are tiny sacs that contain your eggs. It is essential to understand the working of ovulation to understand its disorders

How ovulation works?

On the first day of menstrual cycle eggs and follicles begin to mature and develop  and after two weeks most of the eggs get burst out from the matured follicles and came out of ovary. After coming out from the ovary, egg travels out into fallopian tube.

Through the fallopian tube male sperm travel to egg and meet to penetrate the egg in the tubes for fertilisation. Then the fertilised egg travels into the uterus and then implant into uterine wall.

When the ovulation, fertilisation and implantation go good then female get successful pregnancy. If there will be problem with the ovulation, fertilisation and implantation occurs it means you can have fertility problem.

Hormones and ovulation

There is great role of hormones for your ovulation. There must be balance of the hormones for the regular ovulation. The hormones Follicles stimulating hormone(FSH) iuteinizing hormone(LH) are essential for the ovulation.

Role of Follicles stimulating hormone and estrogens

After the starting of ovulation cycle FSH get released and the ovarian follicles begin to mature and develop. Level of estrogens levels rise when your body prepares for ovulation.

Role of Luteinizing hormone

Level of LH rise sharply with the starting of period and this process is known as LH surge and with the ovulation the level of progesterone get increased.

Role of progesterone

After the LH surge and ovulation the level of progesterone also rise. This rise in progesterone prepares the uterus for the implantation of fertilised egg.

If the level of hormones remains in balance then you can get seamless ovulation. Hormone disorders are common causes for the infertility problems and if you have ovulation problem due to hormonal disorder then fertility drugs can also give you best results

Risk factors that can cause ovulation disorder

There are some risk factors as follows that can lead to higher risk of ovulation problems

  • Problem of underweight and overweight
  • Prolonged stress
  • Drug abusing and consumption of alcohol
  • Health problems, cysts and tumours
  • Thyroid and hormonal disorder

Women with the problem of PCOS(polycystic ovarian syndrome) also face the problem of ovulation disorder that leads to the infertility issues in females. This ovulation problem can make the pregnancy difficult so it is important to get proper diagnose and treatment of this problem.

If you suspect irregularity in your ovulation then you must seek for the fertility specialist to get the correct treatment for this problem that could lead to infertility issues otherwise.

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