Diminished Ovarian Reserve: Understanding DOR and Its Impact on Fertility


This is a condition in which the quantity and quality of eggs inside a woman’s ovaries fall. It affects their ability to reproduce. This problem arises in women over the age of 35 who try to get pregnant at that time.

According to the most accomplished IVF Centre in India, women around the age of 30-40 can experience this phenomenon due to a decline in ovarian function while reaching that age group.

Here are some factors, signs, and symptoms of this problem, along with its three different types.

Three Types of DOR

Given below are the three categories of this problem:

  1. Primary DOR: It occurs on a natural basis and is linked to lowered egg quality and quantity.
  2. Secondary DOR: This happens due to surgeries, radiation therapies, and chemotherapy procedures, which can affect ovarian function.
  3. Occult DOR: Menstrual cycles are normal in this condition but can also have a lowered ovarian system

Causes of DOR

The best IVF Centre in Punjab lists out the factors and elements that cause poor ovarian reserve given below:

  1. Age: It is the primary cause, as the quality and quantity of eggs starts to lower down.
  2. Genetic Factors: Some people have genetic exposure to early ovarian deterioration.
  3. Medical Treatments: Chemotherapy, radiation and ovarian surgery can harm the ovaries and hamper their functioning. 
  4. Autoimmune Disorders: These diseases can decline the quality and quantity of the eggs.
  5. Environment Factors: Environmental toxins are capable of causing DOR if you get exposed to them

Symptoms of DOR

According to the best IVF centre in Punjab, here are some signs and symptoms that will help you detect this problem at the earliest in the following:

  • Irregular Menstrual Cycles
  • Difficulty in pregnancy
  • Absent or lowered premenstrual symptoms.
  • Lowered response to fertility treatments like IVF

Effects of DOR on Fertility

This issue lowers the likelihood of fertilisation and implantation, making it difficult to conceive. The chances of miscarriage also increase with it. 

Methods used to diagnose DOR

  • Blood tests for follicle-stimulating hormone, luteinizing hormone, estradiol, and anti-mullerian hormone levels.
  • Antral Follicle Count is an ultrasound to count the number of small follicles in the ovaries, indicating ovarian reserve.
  • Evaluation of menstrual cycle regularity and levels of inhibin B, which is a hormone produced by developing ovarian follicles.


The best IVF clinic in Srinagar uses four different treatment approaches given below:

  • In Vitro Fertilisation, in which the ovaries are stimulated with fertility drugs to retrieve multiple eggs for fertilisation and implantation.
  • Usage of eggs from a healthy, young donor in an IVF cycle to increase the chance of successful conception.
  • Genetic testing before the implantation process will help them detect the anomalies before injecting the eggs to increase the chances of a healthy pregnancy.


DOR is a challenge for many women who want to have children. It is important to understand everything that is related to it for managing this condition.

You should also seek guidance from fertility experts and explore the suitable options before considering going for the perfect alternative for your treatment.

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