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Dr. Sumita Sofat Hospital, FOGSI Jointly Organise Training programme in Infertility

Dr. Sumita Sofat Hospital organised a Training programme in Infertility


Dr. Sumita Sofat organised the training programme in infertility for doctors association with Punjab medical council in association & FOGSI. Which is the another achievement of Sofat Infertility & Women Care Centre.

This training programme was Inaugurated by Dr. Prithpal Singh (member of Punjab medial council) &  Dr. Karmvir Goyal (member of Punjab medical council), & Dr. Ashima Taneja Along with Dr. Sumita sofat. The purpose of this conference was CME & to get in touch with latest techniques of infertility and its latest technologies available in the market such as CASA (Computer Aided semen analysis) and Laser hatching, IMSI and more.

Dr. Sumita Sofat spread awareness about latest technologies that are now available in Sofat Infertility & Women Care Centre for the benefit of patients were also discussed. Dr. Talwar and Dr. Sumita sofat said that such patients with nil sperm count and Low sperm count can take benefits from these treatment such as: ICSI, TESA and IMSI.

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