How to Self Care during IVF?

How to Self Care During IVF

The IVF treatment aims to make an addition to the family. It also aims at nurturing the family ties through the arrival of the new one. However, it is ironical that most of the women undergoing IVF treatment face emotional and physical stress in addition to loneliness at this crucial juncture of their lives. The procedure of having a baby, which comes naturally and effortlessly to many, becomes a tedious, taxing and clinical process for them. If you find yourself in the same situation, we have ways to ease you into taking care of yourself and self-indulging your way to motherhood. So take a journey with the Test tube baby Center in india towards self-love and self-healing with this article.

How does Self-Care help?

Stress and anxiety are inevitable once you are classified as infertile. However, they are also the biggest enemies in your journey towards conception and pregnancy. This is where self-care comes in. Indulging in self-care will smoothen the rough edges in your journey towards motherhood. It will also help in easing out your mental stress during the IVF process. Just take the following steps to take care of yourself.

Take the help of a fertility counsellor

It is imperative to get counselled from a qualified fertility counsellor. They are well versed with the mental, psychological and emotional state of the women who undergo IVF. They will not only provide emotional support and help cope up with the stress but also help you in choosing the correct options during the selection of services like egg donors or surrogate mothers. They will also guide you in preserving the emotional and romantic connection with your partner, which will build a great support system for you.

Consider alternative therapies

Although ancient, alternative therapies like acupuncture have shown proven results in assisting infertility treatment for many years. Not only that, but it’s also known as an efficient method for reducing stress and anxiety. Seek the services of an acupuncturist who will help you in succeeding in your infertility treatment as well as making you stress-free.

Be kind and gentle to yourself

Don’t let the negativity get the better of you just because you have failed to conceive. Be kind to yourself and don’t blame yourself for it is not at all your fault if you are infertile. Meditate, read spiritual books and adopt a positive attitude towards life.

Prioritize your IVF cycle

With the IVF treatment, you will need a lot of time to rush to your appointments and examinations. So it is better that you do away with the things you can put on the back burner. Prioritize IVF and schedule your time in such a way that you can cater to the demands of the treatment.

Take a break often

Yes, it is true for people seeking rest in their busy lives. However, we specifically mean fertility treatments here. It is necessary to break away from the regular chores an IVF cycle requires. It puts various demands on the body and mind of the patient. Better replenish your body and mind before you opt for a second cycle if the first one didn’t prove to be a success.

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