In Vitro Fertilization (IVF) and how successful it is

In Vitro Fertilization (IVF) & its Process


This particular infertility treatment may require two doctors one of them being a gynae to operate on the couple or patients until the baby is brought into this world. Some of the common questions about IVF are;

  • Can I really have a child through this treatment?
  • How will the child look like?
  • The cost
  • And what are my success chances

First and foremost, many couples or women have had babies out of the IVF procedure. The IVF success stories are quite many regardless of the cause of infertility and the age of the couple. Though more live births are from young woman 24-35, women aged 36-40 have also been able to have children out of this technique.

The first IVF girl child was born in July 1978 IN England and she was followed up until today. The greatest news is that she also had her own child without the help of any assisted reproductive technique. To add to that, thousands of babies have been born out of IVF technique alone and more are to be born due to the increasing rates of infertility in men and women.

What is In Vitro Fertilization (IVF)?

The truth is that many couples never get to know about IVF unless they are affected by infertility. Well, IVF is a meticulously performed procedure to help infertile couples conceive and have a child of their own.

Depending on the type of infertility, IVF can result in a genetic child. The paramount fact about IVF is that it is associated with no birth deformities and there are no infertility cases that will be passed on to the unborn child.

A baby born out of IVF is just like any other baby and above all healthy mentally and physically.

In this procedure, the eggs are retrieved from a woman’s ovaries when ready and joined with the male sperms in the laboratory to form an embryo which is later on openly poured into her uterus with the help of a catheter.

The IVF Procedure can be explained as follows

  • Screening and tests

Any woman undergoes screening and blood testing to increase the IVF success chances. The type of infertility influences the kind of stimulation the women will undergo. Some use day 3 FSH as well as AMH blood testing in combination with antral follicle counts.

  • Stimulation is done with injections to induce the follicles into producing a number of eggs to increase the success rate of IVF.
  • Blood tests and ultrasounds are performed every two or three days to monitor the development of the follicles until when the eggs are retrieved.
  • After the eggs retrieval, they are combined with the sperms in a Petri dish and left for embryo formation and development. After 7 days of culture, the best embryo is transferred to a woman’s uterus for implantation and further development.

The rest of the embryos are frozen for future use

The IVF success rate highly depends on the following

  • The age of the woman
  • The type of infertility
  • The clinic selected for the treatment

IVF cost may be high, but there are infertility clinics like Dr. Sofat Clinic, where the cost is friendly, ultimate care is given to the patient and there are high hopes for having a live baby through IVF.

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