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Intrauterine Insemination Treatment and what you have to know about it



One way of fighting infertility is through having IUI treatment also known as Artificial Insemination. Intrauterine Insemination (IUI) is one of the cheapest procedures and fertility treatment that any infertile patient would want to get.

What is Intrauterine Insemination (IUI)?

It is a procedure of assisted reproductive technology that requires a doctor to inject a washed sperm into the woman’s uterus at the time of ovulation for her to conceive. An instrument called a catheter is used to transfer the sperm through the vagina to the uterus.

This treatment can be performed with or without the help of fertility drugs.

Who is a candidate for this treatment?

  • Occasions of male infertility- This is the best treatment that is normally used in case of male infertility
  • Unexplained infertility
  • Cases where sex cannot occur between a man and a woman due to deformity or pain during sex
  • In the case of using donor sperms
  • In cases of excessive cervical mucus

Where IU is not recommended

  • In case of a previous pelvic infection
  • Blocked Fallopian Tubes
  • Severe Endometriosis

Before the IUI treatment

The IUI treatment will be performed depending on the doctor’s reasons. Also, whether infertility drugs are to be taken or not

Gonadotropins or Clomid medications are used before the IUI procedure as explained below;

Gonadotropins in IUI Treatment

Gonadotropins are fertility drugs taken in the form of injections. They include HCG, HMG, FSH, and LH. Once you get your periods, you must inform the doctor to prepare for a blood work and a baseline ultrasound. It is done to see whether you have cysts in the ovaries or not and whether you are pregnant or not.

Every now and then, you will have injections, blood tests, and Transvaginal ultrasounds. The blood tests help to measure the levels of progesterone, LH, and estradiol. The Transvaginal Ultrasound will be performed to follow the growth and development of the follicles. Depending on the rate of growth of the follicles in your ovaries and the hormones in your body, the doctor will alter the medications. When the follicles are mature, the doctor will give you HCG and will schedule the IUI procedure.

Clomid in IUI Treatment

Clomid is also termed as Letrozole or Femera. It is also a fertility treatment taken before the exact IUI procedure. Just like with the Gonadotropins, blood tests and an ultrasound must be performed on the occasion of your next menstrual period to confirm whether you are pregnant or not. This is also done to check whether the ovaries are occupied with cysts or not.

Fertility drugs are recommended and must be taken as the doctor may recommend. An Ovulation predictor kit may be given to the woman and when it shows that ovulation is near, the doctor must be informed to plan for the next steps.

The Process of IUI Treatment in India

IUI treatment in India is the simplest assisted reproductive technique and is more like a natural process. Normally, the sperms are collected from the male partner on that very day of the IUI procedure through masturbation. If donor sperms are to be used or sample of the sperm from your male partner had been collected days before, they would be frozen until the IUI procedure.

  1. The semen is poured in a solution to wash the sperm after which they are removed
  2. The woman is requested to lie on the table normally found in the gynae’s check room. You will be requested to relax
  3. A small, thin tube called a catheter is placed in your cervix. There will be some cramping for a period of time
  4. The washed sperm is brought and transferred to your uterus using the catheter and it will be removed after the procedure.
  5. The doctor will request you to remain lying down for some time and after which you are free to go. The sperm will meet the egg for further events

After the IUI Process

  • Progesterone may be recommended normally as a vaginal suppository
  • Blood tests are performed after a week to check the estrogen and progesterone levels.
  • After 2 weeks, an ultrasound or a blood test is taken to find out whether pregnancy occurred or not.

Risks associated with IUI Treatments

  • The chances of being pregnant with twins and more are higher with the use of Gonadotropins
  • There is a small chance of infections
  • Side effects of the fertility drugs
  • In the case of more mature follicles, the doctor may terminate the IUI cycle for another time.
  • It is important to stay away from sex as the doctor may recommend

The success rate of IU Treatment

  • The success rate depends on the age of the woman and the cause of infertility
  • The chances rate goes up to 17 percent in cases where fertility drugs are used.
  • In cases of ovulation problems there are 46 % chances of conceiving
  • In cases of male infertility, there are 42 % chances
  • In cases of cervical factor fertility there are 56 % chances
  • There are 5 % chances of getting pregnant without fertility drugs with IUI treatment.

IUI Treatment Cost in India

IUI treatment is generally less expensive and less tiresome than other types of treatments. A single IUI treatment cycle may cost $5000, but this may vary from one hospital or clinic to another. Some insurance policies may cover a part of the treatment.

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