Know The Benefits Of Egg Freezing With Sofat Infertility.

Egg freezing—also known as oocyte cryopreservation—is becoming a more popular choice for women who want to maintain their fertility in the future. Whether for medical reasons, career planning, or personal circumstances, this procedure offers a way to delay pregnancy until the time is right. If you want to maintain the chances of becoming pregnant in the future, you can connect with a clinic that provides low cost IVF in Punjab. 

Egg freezing is a fertility protection method that involves harvesting a woman’s eggs, freezing them, and storing them for future use. It takes 3 to 7  weeks for a full egg freezing cycle and its constant stage of the IVF process: Once the eggs are fertilized, they are transformed into an embryo. This embryo is then placed into the uterus with the help of ultrasound. . A frozen egg remains safe for a long time at 196 degrees celsius. When the woman is ready to conceive, their eggs can fertilized with sperm in a lab, which is part of an IVF (In Vitro Fertilization) procedure.

Sofat Infertility provides low cost IVF in Punjab and also gives the treatment of egg-freezing with excellent results. Egg freezing can become an essential option for women at several points in their lives. If they want to finish their education, achieve career or personal targets before starting a family.  Egg freezing can also be useful if they are suffering from cancer, issues with embryo freezing, etc. So, in such a situation, they can preserve their fertility.

Women can also use these eggs at a later age when they are ready to experience motherhood. The uterus remains unaffected by ageing, so women can become pregnant in their old age as well. The eggs can be frozen at -196 degree centigrade, therefore the quality of eggs doesn’t change over time.

In the initial stage of the egg freezing process, you can consult with Sofat Infertility, who can provide the best treatment options and egg freezing facilities. During this initial visit, our specialist will assess your ovarian reserve as they give you information about the quantity and quality of your eggs. For this, we provide the Ovarian reserve test like blood tests, Anti Mullerian Hormone (AMH) and antral follicle test. If the treatment is planned, then your ovarian stimulation treatment starts by giving hormone injections over the course of 10-14 days when the follicles have reached the appropriate size. The next step is egg retrieval by inserting a thin needle via the uterine wall and into each ovary to retrieve the eggs. After retrieval, the eggs are immediately evaluated and at the last when you decide to use your frozen eggs, the thawing and fertilization begin.

We also offer preserving options for future use, protection against age-related fertility decline, empowerment and reproductive autonomy, and supporting your career and life goals by giving the best treatment for egg freezing. So, in order to get the best egg-freezing treatment in Punjab, we have qualified specialists. You will also receive complete information from health professionals. Don’t feel ashamed about sharing your personal problems with your specialist. In fact, by doing this, you can get to know about the possible treatment options. 

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