Myths About IVF and Test Tube Baby Treatment

IVF is one of the more widely known assisted reproductive technologies. The procedure helps those couples who struggle with natural conception for one reason or the other. IVF is recommended when the fallopian tubes are blocked or, for one reason or another the patient’s body does not produce enough eggs to be fertilized. It can also be used to bypass any unidentifiable fertility issues in both males and females. 

There are a number of myths surrounding the allure of this procedure. The primary one is that the person who undergoes this process is forced to be on strict bed rest until the procedure is completed, while that is not the case at all. The second myth about this procedure is about the experience of pain. It is important to remember that people have various levels of pain tolerance that pain is highly subjective. Any and all invasive procedures done with IVF are completed under the effects of anesthesia. Ideally, this should not cause the patient any pain.

At Sofat Infertility & Women Care Centre, we are equipped with the latest IVF technology to help overcome any struggling couples. We can guide you through the entire process of IVF so there is no hesitation in your mind whatsoever. With our team of experts, you will be under the best care possible. Visit our website for more information regarding IVF. Book your consultation today to start your IVF journey.

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