Oral Hygiene and Fertility: Whats the Combination?

Oral Hygiene and Fertility: Whats the Combination?


Gum disease is commonly known as the periodontal disease. This is a case when the gums and supporting tissues are chronically infected and inflamed.

How the Gum diseases affect?

How the Gum diseases affect?

Our mouth is full of bacteria. This mostly sticks to the mucus and bits of the food. These are responsible for forming the sticky plaque on your teeth. Brushing and flossing help you to get rid of the plaque. If this is not done properly, then plaque become hard and it will convert into the tartar. This will become the most difficult case. In this case, you must visit the dentist in order to remove it properly. If you don’t remove the plaque and tartar, then bacteria will cause the inflammation. This is commonly known as the “gingivitis”. In this case, your gums appear to red, swollen, bleed.

 Is there any connection between the fertility and oral health?

Is there any connection between the fertility and oral health?

From the numbers of years, Oral health has the direct effect on the overall health of the person. There are chronic gum diseases that will lead to a number of problem like heart diseases, cancer, miscarriage etc. Poor oral health is directly linked to the fertility problems of men and women. Poor oral health will lead to a number of the gum problems. There has been a report which shows that there are 47% of the adults after the age of 30 suffered from the different gum diseases. There are 56% of the women who are suffered from the gum diseases.

How the Oral Health affects women’s fertility?

How the Oral Health affects women’s fertility?

Women, who are interested to have the baby, must look after their oral health. There was fertility meeting held some time back. There were the delegates who listen the first time, conception is totally dependent upon the care of the tooth and gums.

Dr. Sumita Sofat has specified that the effect of the gum disease on the concept is similar to the effect of the obesity. Women who are interested to become pregnant, should visit the dentist and brush your teeth on the regular basis. This has been shown in the analysis that women who are suffering from the gum problems usually take seven months in conception as compare to the normal women. Normal women take 5 months to conception. You require the two extra months if you are suffering from the severe gum diseases. This means you nearly require the 12 months in order to become pregnant if you are Plagued with the gum disease. Research shows that non-Caucasian women are most affected by this problem. They have the highest level of the inflammatory disease response when you are suffering from the different gum diseases.

How the oral healths affect the fertility of men?

How the oral healths affect the fertility of men?

Moreover, there has been the greatest evidence that gum disease in men will also deficient the sperm quality. If you are trying to conceive, then your gynecologist will recommend the daily flossing and regular dental visits. Other measures are smoking, abstaining from alcohol, maintain your weight, and try to take the prenatal vitamins that contain the folic acid. If you have taken the sweet, it is essential to brush your teeth and do the flossing.

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