An Inspirational Story Of the First IVF Test Tube Baby In Medical History

First Test Tube Baby Mother


Not being able to conceive can be heartbreaking at times; it can make someone lose all kind of hope that they build.

Seeing them crumble with each failure tugs at the heart of even the staff members. But with the help of the IVF Centre in Punjab, people are able to conceive with little to no complication. They are finding a way to enjoy their moments of happiness with the blessing of a healthy child.

In this blog, we are going to talk about the first-ever test-tube baby. Harsha Chawda Shah and her newborn baby at the hospital in Mumbai on women’s day on Tuesday. We will highlight how their battle with infertility has changed their perception of life.

You can take major inspiration from their life story and build your happy ending. 

The First-Ever Step In Medical History

It’s been almost three decades since the medical field has seen an outstanding achievement of its time. Harsha Chawda Shah became the first woman to give birth to a healthy child via IVF. After that, she and the doctor who was able to perform this successful surgery became a sensation on the ground level. She was known as the first test-tube baby mother.

It is not easy to choose such an unconventional method, especially at that time and age. But now, people are more open to this notion and choose it without any hesitation. 

Now we will learn to find out how you can find the best IVF center and doctor for you to make your own history. 

How To Find The Best IVF Center?

There are specific ways or techniques that you can follow in order to undergo IVF treatment from the best IVF center. It is not an easy task, but if you manage to hunt and review the center, there is a higher chance of a successful result. 

  • Get a referral from your healthcare provider.

The first thing you can do is to get referrals from your healthcare provider and make a list of all of them. You can also ask around people, including your family members, friends, and colleagues, to gather more clinics on your list. This procedure will help you compare them all on different factors, including the IVF Test Tube cost in Punjab. Some other factors include the facilities they provide and the reputation of the clinic. 

  • Read the reviews

After jotting down all the names of the clinics and doctors, you can begin your research. Try to find all the given data from online websites or other sources to compare their work ethics. You can also read the testimonies of their previous patient to have a better understanding of the environment and their success rate. 

  • Check the qualification and experience of the doctor.

The next thing that you must focus on is the qualification of the doctor. They are an integral part of dictating the success rate of your IVF treatment. If you select a doctor not well versed with the new technology, there are chances of IVF failure. So be wise and choose wisely! 

Final Comments

Dr. Sumita Sofat Hospital (Sofat Infertility & Women Care Centre): a place where you can treat your infertility under the guidance of Dr. Sumita Sofat.

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