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Ways to Improve Your Chances of Natural Conception or Assisted Conception

Ways to Improve Your Chances of Natural Conception or Assisted Conception


In case a year has passed and you have no little ones at home despite trying so hard, consider manipulating your trying approaches. Infertility is a hard pill to take and trust me, giving up so easily is for perpetual losers. Fertility news and studies have so much to offer to combat any type of infertility; whether male factor infertility or female factor infertility.

What’s Your Conception Approach?

What’s Your Conception Approach?

Truth be told, failure to conceive within a year doesn’t mean you should directly embark on IVF. No!, there is so much you need to try out for a natural conception unless your doctor/gynae advises so.

Normally, a woman falls into a panic in case she fails to conceive within the expected period of time. However, this panic will, in addition, make it hard for conception to occur. Therefore, rule number one- Harbour no stress or panic.

When it comes to assisted conception, the game is almost the same as natural conception, although a woman has to bear a lot of ups and downs during her course of treatment. With IVF, drugs will generally improve your conception chances by bypassing the infertility source, but you also have a vital role to play.

How To Conceive Naturally!How To Conceive Naturally!

The key to natural conception is lifestyle/personal management. You will have to adopt several habits and as well throw away those that generally hinder your conception chances. Here we go!

Intercourse- Timely intercourse absolutely improves a woman’s chances of conception. Follow your menstrual period and identify the ovulation period to improve your conception chances.

Weigh Concerns- Being overweight can push your conception chances into a ditch. Apart from that, it increases your risk for PCOS, Insulin resistance, hormonal imbalances, and ovulation issues. Cut down that weight through an ideal dietary plan and physical activity.

Stress Concerns- Stress, panic, anxiety and depression interfere with the body’s normal function. Counselling is advised in case you fall into any of these categories.

Infections & Chronic Illnesses- STDs, or a PID must be treated in the best way possible as they play a big part in lowering pregnancy chances. Other chronic diseases like HIV must be dealt with appropriately to prevent mother to child transmission.

Lifestyle Concerns- A proper diet is recommended (high-protein foods, omega-3 fatty acids, vitamins, and poultry can help improve your conception chances. Quit smoking in case you do smoke, live in a safe environment ‘pollution-free’, exercise regularly, and suspend any drugs as recommended by a fertility expert.

How To Conceive Via ART- Boosting IVF Chances!

Opting for ART ‘IVF’ is an effective infertility treatment, however, for some patients, it becomes a puzzle within a puzzle. This is generally because they hardly know the actual IVF guidelines for assuring conception.

One fact with IVF is that every phase of the treatment is crucial and in case undermined, it can affect the IVF outcomes. Guidelines for IVF conception;

Prepare Your Body- Don’t simply wake up one day and head to an IVF centre. Acupuncture, fertility cleansing, and physical exercises can help prepare your body for assisted conception.

Infertility Source- The exact cause of infertility must be primarily identified before you begin treatment. It may be; ovulation disorders, menstrual problems, a blockage in the tubes, uterine fibroids, miscarriage, scarring or adhesions among others.

Consult an experienced fertility doctor in case troubled with infertility before embarking on any treatment approach.

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