What Are The Common Miscarriage Questions?

common misscarage question

Miscarriage is the most common complication that occurs in the pregnancy. This is normally occurring in the first trimester or the later. This is the most emotionally shocking event in the women life.

There are only 25% of the couples that lead to the problem of miscarriage. Miscarriage is the result of the lack of the information.

What are the general questions about the miscarriage?

Following are the list of questions that are vital for every woman to learn about it.

Is bleeding or spotting common among the miscarriage?

Spotting or bleeding is the common symptom of the miscarriage. Most of the bleeding doesn’t lead to the miscarriage every time. A pelvic examination and the diagnostic test can properly explain the actual cause of the bleeding. When there is miscarriage then you seek the medical advice.

What is the right time of getting the period after the miscarriage?

  • Most of the normal menstrual cycle will be resumed after the 6 weeks after the miscarriage.

  • After the miscarriage, the first period will be different from the normal.

  • After the miscarriage, there may be the difference in the pattern, amount, duration and cramping.

  • After the first period of the miscarriage, your menstrual cycle will be normalized in the third cycle.

  • If there is any difference in the flow of the bleeding, then consult the best IVF centre in Delhi.

When can we try for the baby again?

  • This is vital to avoid the sex until there is bleeding. This is necessary in order to reduce the risk of the infection.

  • Once the bleeding stopped, you can try for the baby again.

  • If there is any kind of the ectopic or the molar pregnancy, this timing may be different. You can consult the doctor for the best fertility treatment in India.

What are the major causes of miscarriages?

  • If there is mis-combination of the chromosomes of the eggs and the sperms

  • If there is any issue regarding the development of the embryo.

  • Other reasons are fibroids, hormonal abnormalities, infections, trauma, or harmful environmental influences, can also lead to the miscarriage.

What are the preventative measures in order to reduce the chances of the miscarriage?

  • You have to maintain the healthy and the well-balanced diet for the safe pregnancy.

  • You have to stop consumption of alcohol and the smoking.

  • If you are taking any kind of the medications like Tylenol or antacids, consult your gynecologist first.

  • Avoid consuming noxious substances. This will be harmful to the health of the baby.

If there is the miscarriage, what is its chance, it will happen again?

This is the amazing fact that more than 85% of the women will deliver the healthy baby after the miscarriage. Even if the women, who faced the pregnancy loss in more than one time, will also deliver the healthy baby.

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