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What are the different tests for woman’s fertility and how to diagnose it?

Woman Fertility Testing and Diagnosis


Fertility Testing and Diagnosis

Sofat Infertility & Women Care Centre: Infertility issue is becoming very common in women at different age group. It means the women are not able to conceive naturally. Well, in that case, the reason should be known so that the treatment is given according to that. 

  • If the women are not able to conceive for more than one year then considering the infertility testing is important.
  • Infertility condition triggers with age, in most cases women after the 35 face difficulty conceiving naturally. If you are not able to conceive within 6 months then consider medical help.
  • During fertility testing, the doctor will evaluate your condition by doing the blood test, discussion of medical history, and some invasive procedure.
  • If the exact reason is not known then it is categorized as unexplained infertility which affects around 15 to 30 percent.

If you are facing a problem getting the right treatment plan then you should visit our IVF Center in Punjab.

What does fertility testing involve?

  • It will include a medical history discussion to check the ovulation cycle or menstrual issue.
  • A blood test to check the ovarian reserve and hormonal level.
  • Pelvic examination
  • The minimally invasive procedure which includes surgery and ultrasound imaging to know about the structural issue.

Suitable conditions to consider Fertility Testing

Women over the age of 35 not able to conceive then should consider fertility testing:

  • Recurrent miscarriage
  • History pelvic inflammation, pelvic pain, or endometriosis.
  • Partner with male infertility
  • The reproductive system issues include blocked fallopian tubes, uterus, or ovaries.

Different woman’s Fertility Test

Knowing medical History

When the patient visits our fertility specialist for consultation, they will know more about their health and sexual history. Patients history should be known properly which helps in diagnosing the infertility issue. Like if you have faced sexually transmitted infections or have an irregular menstrual cycle then it is ideal to know these things. This will help the doctor to prepare for further treatment in a better manner.

Ultrasound Imaging (Sonogram)

After the consultation, the fertility doctor will do a sonogram of the pelvic area to determine the issue. The ultrasound will help to determine the cysts in ovaries or abnormally shaped uterus.

Hormonal blood test

Blood test helps in determining the hormonal level as it helps the egg to mature properly. The test will also determine the age quality and if the proper signal is sent to the ovaries by the brain. On the 3rd day of the cycle, the FSH level is evaluated. Another test includes estradiol and anti-Müllerian hormone.

Ovarian reserve test

To check the potential number of eggs and quality ovarian reserve is helpful. The test is recommended when there is a risk of:

  • Unexplained infertility diagnosis
  • Age 35
  • Early menopause family history
  • Previous reproductive surgery
  • Previous treatment with chemotherapy


This is helpful in evaluating and treating endometriosis. Also, it helps in removing the scar tissue, ovarian cysts, and uterine fibroids.

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