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What are the various symptoms, reasons, and methods of treatment of female infertility?

Checking the canal is a significant part of the female infertility treatment.


Pregnancy often eludes many women .f you are one of them,it is best to consult a doctor. He is the right person to determine what is exactly wrong with your body which is preventing your motherhood. According to the IVF center in India, the reasons for female infertility are wide and varied.

What causes female infertility?

  1. Blocked Tubes

The female reproductive system consists of fallopian tubes which is responsible for the movement of the eggs from the ovaries to the uterus. The eggs are produced in the ovaries and transferred to the uterus via these tubes. The baby develops in the uterus after successful fertilization. If the tubes are damaged due to pelvic infections, endometriosis or some other reason, the process of fertilization will not take place as sperms are unable to reach the egg.

  1. Hormonal imbalance

Pregnancy is complex progress and largely depends on the interplay of hormones. If your body is not producing hormones in the right amount, chances are that the egg is not getting released properly or the uterus lining has thickened.

  1. Problem with the cervical canal

If there are certain conditions then the sperm might not be able to pass through the cervical canal. Checking the canal is a significant part of the  female infertility treatment.

4.Problems in the uterus area


Presence of polyps or fibroids in the uterus prevents the woman from getting pregnant. The lining of the uterus gets thickened due to the growth of multiple cells. This leads to lesser chances of conception.

  1. Unexplained infertility.

Some unlucky few don’t have any particular reason for their infertility. Such cases are considered a case of unexplained infertility. Around 20% of couples suffer from it.

How to determine infertility?

The doctor will suggest many tests if you are perplexed with your negative pregnancy results. The most popular ones include-

  1. Hysterosalpingography (HSG)-It involves the ultrasound of the reproductive organs using a dye which travels through the fallopian tubes. The test determines whether or not the trouble lies with the fallopian tubes.
  1. Laparoscopy-this test involves the insertion of the laparoscope in the uterus through a hole just below your navel. The laparoscope is a tubular structure which is fitted with a camera. It lets the doctor have a perfect view of the uterus, ovaries, and fallopian tubes. It helps in checking any abnormal growth or blockage of fallopian tubes.


Treatment of female infertility

Laparoscopy- In case you have a tubal or pelvic problem, it is advisable to get your organs reconstructed. This can be done through Laparoscopy. The doctor inserts the laparoscope through the hole below the navel which can help in treating endometriosis,blocked tubes, and removal of ovarian cysts.

 Hysteroscopy– This procedure involves the usage of hysteroscope into the uterus through the cervical opening. It is an effective method for the removal of scar tissues , polyps and opening up the blocked fallopian tubes.

Medication –Problems in the ovulatory cycle can be handled with the use of medicines such as clomiphene citrate,  gonadotropins or letrozole. These drugs not only trigger ovulation but also direct the ovaries to produce multiple eggs instead of the usual one egg, which is released in normal cases. These drugs are helpful in case of unexplained infertility also.

In vitro fertilization (IVF)

In this technique, the process of fertilization is carried out in the lab after the extraction of ovum and sperm from both the partners respectively.

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