What is the cost of the IVF process in Pathankot?


If you are experiencing trouble in conceiving, chances are that the reasons underlie in either or both the partners. This cause for concern but not unnecessary worrying. . Once the reasons have been figured out, you can opt to avail the services of a test tube baby specialist in India. Following are the often used procedures for treating infertility-


  1. Hysteroscopy

This is a process in which a small camera inserted into the vagina. It reaches up to the uterine cavity. This is a non-invasive procedure to detect and remove scar tissue, polyps or fibroids. The uterine septum can also treated with this procedure.


  1. Laparoscopy

In this type of surgery, the female is treated for ovarian cysts and endometriosis using small incisions in the abdominal area. Problems in the fallopian tubes and scarred tissue can also be treated with this procedure. A robotic version is also available in which the robot performs the surgery.


  1. Laparotomy

It is also called Open Surgery. It involves making a small incision in the lower abdomen –it is quite similar to the incision made during cesarean section. It is used to reconnect fallopian tubes which have been surgically sealed.


  1. IVF

IVF is one of the most successful procedures which spells hope for various infertile couples. It is a process in which the fertilization process or the fusion of the egg and the sperm takes in the lab. After successful fertilization, the fertilized embryo or embryos are placed in the uterus of the woman. It has fairly high chances of resulting in a successful pregnancy.IVF is safe and the success rate is better than other processes around.

The procedure of IVF

First of all, the menstrual cycle of the woman is observed. The cycle may be simulated to produce eggs in accordance with the IVF schedule. The eggs are extracted from the ovary by inserting a needle through the vagina. Similarly, the semen sample of the male partner is extracted. The sperms are separated from the semen. The semen and the eggs are made to fertilize in the lab. A successful IVF is determined after analyzing the status of the embryo after duration of 18 hours.


IVF cost India varies from one place to another. The cost is subject to your location and the concerned hospital. It is recommended that you opt for the best-known names as you are committing yourself to a journey which is emotionally and financially taxing.

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