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What you should know about the relation between menopause and pregnancy?

What you should know about the relation between menopause and pregnancy?


Is it possible to conceive after menopause?

Many of the women ask this question when they visit our IVF centre in Punjab. They do have the concern whether they can conceive during the menopausal stages. Getting understanding about the same will help you effectively plan for your family and take the necessary birth control measures.

Menopause is one of the biggest transitions of life. However, if you are experiencing irregular menstrual cycles & hot flashes your chances of conception are there. No doubt, you will be less fertile than you were in your 20s or 30s but you still will be able to get pregnant. If you are having problems understanding your condition, then you should visit the best infertility clinic in Ludhiana.

Difference: Menopause Vs Perimenopause


Menopause is that phase of life when you notice symptoms for the first time but many other things go behind it. The menopause stage does not happen in just one day. In the reproductive year, progesterone, estrogen, LH hormone, and FSH are produced. In addition, it will signal the ovaries to release a healthy egg during ovulation. In case, the hormone levels are not in the right range, then ovulation will not occur and it will create problems for you to conceive naturally.


Perimenopause is the phase referred to as change of life. In this condition, the ovaries will produce fewer hormones than they normally would. At this point, the FSH and LH levels will increase and the ovaries are not that responsive as they would. When the hormone fluctuates, symptoms may become apparent like:

  • Hot flashes
  • Night sweats
  • Periods (menstrual cycle) gets irregular in frequency and length

At this point, fertility will take a deep slope but there are still some chances of getting pregnant. In case, you don’t want to conceive during this phase then you can take birth control.

Menopause Phase

If you haven’t had your period since the last menstrual cycle, then it means you have reached your menopause phase. Menopause occurs when the woman is in her 40s to 55. Although, the average age of menopause is 51.

In this phase, the FSH and LH level will be high as compared to normal and on the other hand, the progesterone & estrogen will get low. At this point, ovulation is not possible and your chances of conception are not in the light.

Is it possible to get IVF after menopause?

Studies have shown that IVF treatment after menopause has been proven successful. No doubt, your eggs are not there but you can opt from the 2 options which are:

  • Frozen eggs, if you have opted for the treatment in the past
  • Use of fresh or frozen donor eggs

Depending on your condition, the doctor will suggest a treatment plan. So, even after menopause, you can conceive by undergoing IVF treatment.

Final word!

Following menopause, your natural ability to conceive is not there but hormone therapy & IVF can make that possible for you. If you are planning to get IVF, then the doctor will carefully evaluate your condition and properly monitor your health.

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