Why Did My Ivf Cycle Fail And What’s the next step that should be taken?

Reasons why your Ivf cycle failed

Sofat Infertility & Women Care Centre: A failed IVF cycle leaves the patient disappointed and frustrated. Although IVF is one of the best ART treatments, it might fail to show results every time. According to IVF Center in Punjab, the chances of live birth through IVF are approximately 40 percent for women under 35 years and less for women over 40. However, the chances of success can be increased in your next cycle.

Causes of failure of IVF

Many factors contribute to the success of an IVF cycle-the first being the age of the female, the second being the quality of the embryo, and the third being the ovarian response. The quality and quantity of eggs decline as the women age. The process starts when women enter their thirties. Another factor that might lead to the failure of IVF cycles in poor embryo quality. Embryos fail to the implant which may be due to chromosomal or other genetic abnormalities.

Women who are unable to produce multiple eggs have only a few numbers of eggs. Women over 37 or women with FSH (follicle-stimulating hormone) or low AMH (antimullerian hormone) levels are likely to have unsuccessful results with IVF.

Second or Third Rounds of IVF

A failed first cycle will give the chance to the reproductive endocrinologist to examine the cause of failure. He will be able to work out if poor egg quality or low quantity, stunted embryo development, or the problems during the transfer of the embryos to the woman’s uterus caused the problem.

The drugs used in the stimulation process might be changed if ovarian stimulation or egg quantity was not up to the mark. Preimplantation genetic screening may be suggested if the female partner is over age and faced problems with embryo implantation. It will help in screening the embryos to be used in your next IVF cycle before performing implantation. In this process, the embryo’s biopsy is carried out and the number of the chromosomes in it is determined. Through this process, the specialists can choose healthy embryos that are free of genetic problems.

It has been found that the highest success rates can be achieved with two IVF cycles. In the first IVF cycle, one embryo will be transferred and the additional cycle will use a frozen embryo. IVF may not be favorable for everyone, but when the doctor repeats the cycle, he will ensure that the possible deterrents are eliminated and the chances of success are maximized.

Finally, making alterations to your lifestyle will also improve your chances of getting successful results with IVF. Giving up smoking, alcoholism and drug abuse while (or before) undertaking IVF will raise the chances of success in IVF. Eating a balanced, healthy diet, getting sufficient sleep and keeping oneself stress-free is the key to eliminating chances of failure of IVF.

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