11 Things that you need to understand about IVF prior to procedure?

Things you need to know about IVF

Yes, it is true that IVF is a time consuming process because it includes 5 phases such as-:

Well, these all the procedures are performed in the IVF centre in India.

The entire procedure is stressful

Infertile couples who undergo this procedure may do not know that this is a very stressful process. Since certain people do not get the desired results, that’s why others also get stressed about the success of the IVF. In order to combat stress, you must talk to your doctor, he will explain you everything in detail.

Stress does not decrease your chances of pregnancy.

Certain theories reveal that stress does not lead you to infertility, in fact, infertility causes stress. Well, if you have healthy embryos, then there is no need to take tension about anything. And this is completely misconception that stress causes infertility.

You experience mood changes

Yes, it is completely similar to naturally pregnant ladies. You experience mood changes that are normal in every lady during conception.

You may experience some side effects

Don’t worry, this is a safe procedure, you only experience Breast tenderness and abdominal bloating, that can go away over time. In addition to this, this procedure does not have any serious side effects.

The IVF process impacts on your relationship.

Not only infertility, but IVF procedure also impacts your relationship. Well, divorce and separation are normal in infertile couples, because they start blaming each other rather than finding the solution. In this solution, you need to support each other and fight this problem together.

You need to go through several cycles of IVF

This is not the same for everyone, some ladies need to go through several cycles of IVF to become pregnant. Do not take tension, IVF only include 3 cycles, in order to get positive results.

IVF procedure leads you to depression

You may not know that IVF leads you to depression. But you need to take care of yourself so that you can increase the chances of pregnancy.

You will be able to choose baby gender

This is only possible with the help of the screening process. This is additionally known as pre-implantation genetic diagnosis. This test is useful to examine the chromosomes of each embryo. With the help of this test, you can select the baby gender.

IVF is a completely safe and secure procedure.

Yes, off course, this is a completely safe and secure procedure. You do not take tension about anything, you can simply go through this procedure and you will surely get the desired results.

It is necessary to take care of yourself

Taking Self-care by yourself is the one of main part of it and healthy diet.

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