Everything you should know about clotting disorder that affects pregnancy

Infertility Clotting Disorder

Infertility: Clotting Disorder

Clotting Disorder is one of the conditions which triggers recurrent miscarriage & it is one of the reasons fertility issues risk is increased. Well! That does not mean that women who have this condition will not be able to give birth to a healthy baby. Although, the pregnancy can be a bit problematic or you can say that extra care has to be taken. If the estrogen level is way too high then there is a risk of having a blood clot during the 6th week after giving birth. It’s better that you make yourself properly aware of the condition by visiting one of the best IVF Centre in Punjab.

Which are the clotting disorders which can impact pregnancy?

Different clotting issues can impact the pregnancy or even when you begin your conception journey. Here are some of the clotting disorders which can trigger problems during pregnancy time:

  • Antiphospholipid Syndrome (APS)

APS prevalence rate is around 5% in pregnant women. This is an autoimmune condition when antibodies are formed and this makes the blood clots. In many cases, the complications are avoided but there can be problems with deep vein clots, preterm labor, recurrent miscarriage, restricted fetal growth, and preeclampsia.

Bear in mind!

You have to schedule your initial consultation with one of the Best IVF Doctor in Ludhiana to better plan the entire journey & get the medical assistance that is right in all ways.

  • Factor V Leiden

Such blood clots are formed in the blood vessels in the placenta when you are pregnant. If this occurs then there are slight chances of pregnancy failure.

  • Thrombophilia

When a blood clot occurs then this condition happens. It’s possible that there are not any visible symptoms till the time the condition becomes severe. But this condition demands attention because it can trigger several major issues like recurrent miscarriage, pregnancy loss in the 2nd or 3rd trimester, and placental abruption.

Which are the medications given for blood clotting?

The medications are suggested either for the short or long term. Some of the most suggested ones are:

  • Baby aspirin
  • Blood thinners
  • Anticoagulants

What happens during pregnancy?

If you are pregnant then you may be suggested heparin. Its intake is safe during pregnancy for the baby as well as you. No doubt, there are some conditions when medications are not needed to address the blood clotting issue.

What to do after pregnancy?

Following pregnancy, medication like warfarin is given. Even if you are breastfeeding its intake is considered best. However, pregnant women have not been prescribed this condition as there are chances it triggers birth defects. When you are taking the medications the doctor will keep a close check over your condition to make sure you are not bleeding.

Get the medical assistance on time

You must get medical assistance on time to make sure the entire situation is well-managed. The doctor is the key to ensuring treatment goes in the right direction. It’s possible that different tests are done if you have faced issues like:

  • Stillbirth
  • Preeclampsia
  • Additional pregnancy issues

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