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Increase Your Stamina And Sperm Count to boost fertility

What are low sperm count causes?


Male fertility is directly linked to healthy sperm cells or sperm count. In addition, healthy sperm count plays an imperative role in fertilization otherwise you may experience fertility issues. A study reveals that a healthy person has basically 15-20 million per ml sperm count. The researchers also reveal that if you are suffering from have low sperm count condition, and then you will surely encounter the condition which is known as oligospermia.

In this situation, you need to visit the IVF centre in India in order to get low sperm count treatment. Moreover, there are some other ways to increase your stamina and sperm count include lifestyle changes and physical activities.

Various ways to improve stamina and the sperm count

Quit smoking

Smoking and some other types of drugs are lead to infertility problems in both men and women. But it affects males more than women. So, if you are a regular smoker then you have to quit it immediately otherwise it will affect your fertility. Moreover, you should also reduce your consumption of liquor because drugs directly affect your sperm and semen, which plays an important role in fertility.

Regular exercise

You have to practice physical activities regularly because of these acts as a natural remedy for your fertility issues. This is also useful to maintain a healthy weight if you are obese because obesity leads to low sperm count.

Reduce your stress

You have to reduce your stress if you are going through depression or anxiety due to a hectic working schedule. You must go with yoga and meditation or you can also join some of laughing clubs because these all are the stress relief therapies which give you real comfort.

Avoid hot tubs

Majority of people experience low sperm count condition due to excessive use of hot tubs. You should avoid hot baths or tibs because overheating affect your semen and sperm as well. Moreover, you must avoid placing your laptops at your thighs because radiations which they release are really harmful to you.

Avoid certain medications

Some of the medication also contribute to low sperm count so you have to avoid taking them. These are listed below-:

  • methadone
  • antibiotics
  • corticosteroids
  • anti-androgens
  • antipsychotics
  • anti-inflammatories
  • anabolic steroids

You must avoid taking these medications in order to increase your stamina and sperm count.

Consume a healthy diet

You should consume a healthy diet full of vitamins and fibers. Because processed and unhealthy foods can cause low sperm count and poor motility problems in males. You must stick to a healthy diet such as broccoli, walnuts, citrus fruits, dark chocolates, garlic, bananas, and turmeric. These are not only foods you also consume salmon, haddock, oysters, whole wheat grains, and milk products. Moreover, Ashwagandha is a traditional medicine which gives you better results and useful to increase the stamina and sperm count.

Fenugreek seeds

You should consume fenugreek seeds because these are helpful to increase sperm count and also treat many other types of fertility issues. In addition, you can also go with supplements of fenugreek if you are unable to consume raw seeds.

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