Is it possible for IVF Mothers to deliver a baby vaginally?



Women who have conceived with IVF often give up on the thought of delivering a baby normally. The rumours and the misleading information have been successful in making 85% of the ‘IVF-Mothers-To-Be’ believe that natural delivery is not possible for them. Dr Sumita Sofat says, “To deliver a baby naturally or normally does not get affected by how you have conceived”.

Let’s get acquainted with the basics:

What Is A Normal Or Natural Pregnancy & IVF Pregnancy?

Natural Pregnancy

When a couple engages in an intercourse act and the male partner ends up ejaculating the semen fluid in the vagina which makes it convenient for the sperm to reach the ovaries and fertilize an egg. The fertilized egg known as an embryo will be transferred to the uterus and seek its attachment with the uterine lining.

IVF Pregnancy

When a couple has tried out the natural method a couple of times but each time they are facing a defeat, then in that situation 6-step IVF procedure will help to achieve the conception by accomplishing the following stages with accuracy:

  • Ovarian Stimulation
  • Egg and the Sperm Retrieval
  • Fertilizing eggs with the sperms
  • Incubation Period (Embryos are observed for 5 days)
  • Embryo Implantation in the uterus
  • Pregnancy testing

IVF is regarded as the Best Fertility Treatment in Punjab because of its high success rates.

What Are The Actual Reasons For The IVF Mothers To Undergo A C-Section Delivery?

Undergoing C-section demands you to be in one or more of the below mentioned bothersome situations:

  • Prolonged labour

It is known as stalled labour, which accounts for more than 1/3rd of the delivery cases to be categorized as the C-section deliveries. If the pregnant woman is on the verge of delivering a baby and is enduring labour pain for more than 20 or more hours.

  • Atypical Positioning of the baby

Babies are supposed to be in headfirst around the birth canal if a vaginal delivery is to be made successful. But some babies commence showing the traits of their naughty behaviour by positioning their feet or butt towards the birth canal which in any case cannot make it into vaginal birth.

  • The fetus is not getting the required oxygen

If the baby inside your uterus is not getting enough oxygen, then the doctors may consider commencing the C-section delivery process.

  • Birth defects

Usually, the babies born at the Sofat infertility clinic and the woman care centre, the Best IVF Centre in Punjab are born fit and fine without any birth defects, but in the case of the other hospitals if the baby is seeming to have any birth defects, then C-section delivery will undoubtedly be the first approach of delivering a baby safely.

Warp Up!

To make sure that you do not face any complications with the baby-birth or during the pregnancy irrespective of its nature (natural or IVF), then you must not look here and there and visit Sofat Infertility clinic and the Women Care Centre to make sure that the successful and ‘0’ complication containing baby-birth is on the cards.

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