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Best Fertility Treatment Options For Men and Women: Dr. Sumita Sofat

List Of Fertility Treatments for Men and Woman


Sofat Infertility & Women Care Centre: Fertility Treatment Options – The technique of IVF can be easily availed at any IVF centre. We will take a look at the IVF procedure and some other procedures which serve as a ray of hope for many infertile couples –

Fertility Drugs

They can either be injected or taken in the form of a pill. These drugs release hormones that enhance egg production by inducing ovulation. They also make the condition of the uterus more comfortable for implantation of the embryo.

It is recommended for women with poor ovulation or women with partners having poor sperm quality. They are not suitable for women with scarred, damaged or blocked fallopian tubes. The procedure has shown success in 40 -45 % women.

Artificial Insemination (Intrauterine insemination or IUI)

In this procedure, the washed sperm of the male partner is inserted directly into the uterus of the female through a catheter. It is highly recommended for couples with the male having low sperm count or poor motility.

It is also used in cases where the female’s uterus is hostile for the sperm. It is helpful for women with acidic, scant or thick mucus in the cervix. If the woman is of ideal reproductive age and the quality of sperm is ok, then there are 15 to 20 percent chances of success.

Donor Sperm

Donor Sperm: In this procedure, the sperm is taken from a man other than the male partner as he is unable to provide a healthy sperm sample. The donor sperm is used in methods like IUI and IVF. It is an ideal infertility treatment solution for couples with male-factor infertility, genetic disorders, and same-sex couples. Its success rate is 15 present in the first cycle. The chances of success go up to 80 percent after trying out more cycles.

In Vitro Fertilization (IVF)

IVF is a process consisting of various steps. In the first step, the woman’s ovulation cycle is stimulated to produce a multiple numbers of mature eggs. These eggs are extracted from the female’s body at the right time. At around the same time, the sperm of the male partner is extracted. Both the eggs and the sperms are allowed to interact with each other. This results in fertilization. The embryos are allowed to develop and the most suitable ones are implanted in the woman’s uterus. The remaining embryos are stored, donated or destroyed.

This procedure is most suitable for women who are at an advanced maternal age, or who have blocked or severely damaged fallopian tubes. It can also be used in cases of men with very poor sperm quality and couples suffering from unexplained infertility.

The procedure’s success rates are highly dependent on the woman’s age. It stands a Forty-one percent chance of success for women under 35, 32 percent for women in the age group of ages 35 to 37, and 23 percent for the women falling in the age group of ages 38 to 40.

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