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IVF-success stories of a couple who were blessed with twins after multiple IVF failures

IVF-success stories of a couple who were blessed with twins after multiple IVF failures


Life comes to a standstill when you are diagnosed with infertility due to some trivial reason .We often hear or read about the couples coping with it but we never realize that we also might be suffering from the same condition. With time, we realize that we are facing the same predicament as millions of couples around the world. Indeed it is a painful situation when we are diagnosed as incapable of having a bundle of joy in our arms. The process which is very natural and most probably the second step after entering into matrimony seems to be an impossible dream. But like the rest of the world, we are not letting any opportunity of the treatment go by. So here’s a chronological account of our journey which was tinged with sadness and melancholy but ended with something double times of what we were expecting.

The early years

Like most of the couples, we got married at the right age.We soon started planning our child. But two years down the line and we were still yearning to see a positive pregnancy test. It was then that we decided to see medical intervention.We were expecting some minor problems but what came out was equally shocking for me as well as my partner.

IVF treatment

Given the fact that I was a successful sportsperson and lead an active healthy lifestyle, it was really surprising that the problem was indeed with us. But infertility doesn’t have any logical reasons sometimes. Well, we proceeded with our first IVF cycle after consulting the doctor. IVF is a major technique for treating infertility these days in which the fertilization process takes place in the lab instead of the natural location. The fertilized embryo is then implanted into the body of the woman. If all goes well, the pregnancy is a success and the baby is delivered at the end of the term. IVF treatment in India is readily available in many cities.We are thankful that we availed this facility.

The initial painful outcome

The initial cycle seems to be a success as multiple embryos had been fertilized and the implantation test came positive.But after a few days,my wife reported bleeding. We had to face what we dreaded the most:the pregnancy was lost. We decided not to give up our attempts. We persisted with several subsequent rounds, but the same dilemma seemed to be destined all the other times too.We kept trying for several years but nothing came out of it. After several rounds of unsuccessful IVF cycles, emotional upheavals and many currency notes going waste, we finally thought of giving it up.

The last straw

We finally thought of approaching Sofat Infertility Clinic .We were hopeless this time too but we thought that we could give it one more try. We again went through the procedure, albeit with little hope. But our joy knew no bounds when the implantation, as well as the pregnancy, was a success. Nine months later, we were overjoyed to receive not one but two bundles of joy! We were on the top of the world and we are really thankful to the concerned authorities for their continued support throughout the treatment process. Our life is magical and we have only Sofat Infertility Clinic to thank for it.

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