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IVF Success Story Of Patient from Sunam

IVF Success Story Of Patient from Sunam - Best IVF Centre in Sunam


Let’s see how we (me and wife) got the best treatment from the best IVF centre in India

Hello all. Today, I am going to share my and my wife’s IVF journey, with all of you, the reason I wish to share it here is that I know that in this day and age, it is a very common thing to be seen in couples, so I just wanted to share our story, along with a little bit of advice, so without wasting any more time, continue reading to know the bittersweet story, we had.

We had long been married, it had been over 8 years since we married but we had decided right after marriage that we will not use any kind of protection (either by me nor by her), because we both love kids very much, so it was decided way ahead, that we soon will start a family of our own, but wait! Does everything go the way you think it to be? Well! No, it doesn’t, sadly.

Same was the case with us also, in spite of trying our level best, she (wife) didn’t show any symptoms of conceiving, and we both were quite irritated.

We kept changing doctors, from one to the other, some said go and get this test done, and other one said something else. Tired of going to different doctors for our treatment, we thought of quitting, only before one of our relatives asked us to keep hope and visit Dr. Sofat at Ludhiana, Punjab, who is a fertility specialist.

Dr. Sofat was the one who encouraged us in every way, every time we used to break down, she used to console us, by telling us of other patients who have gone through the same process, and many who have gone through much more than us. She didn’t let the hope in us die, truly a commendable person. Within two months of treatment, we were on cloud nine to hear that very soon we will also be able to have a child of our own.

Now, a little bit of advice from me (as I had said earlier in the article that I will be giving advice). So, here goes:

  • Exhale all the negativity

This is one of the best things we both found; it worked wonders for both of us. We used to feel so fresh, not just mentally but physically, as well.

  • Read

Reading is a great hobby, but for me and my partner it is a passion, we both are very much into reading, we read all that could on IVF, on pregnancy, spiritual books, and many more.

  • Do what your heart urges you to do

There are many people giving expert advice, I would put myself on the topmost list, for stopping by and giving you all the gyaan of the universe, there will be many like me, who would be ready for the list of do’s and don’ts but, wait! Listen to all but do what you feel right because it is you who is going through all of this and not them. They will surely say, some out of love for you, others out of concern or some others because they cannot possibly keep Ssh! So do what makes your heart to sing. Maybe all the advises worked for others but doesn’t mean they should be right for you, as well.

Get ready for the ‘sour grapes’

There are going to be many moments when you feel, enough is enough, but wait, the right moment is yet to come by your side, it is very well said, that patience pays off, yes it does, and that too in a very good way. It may be twins somewhere, waiting for you to come in your arms or maybe even more or maybe just a single child, whatever comes your way, accept it with open arms.

Best test tube baby treatment in India is done by the best of doctors.

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