IVF success story – Twins after a troublesome trauma Infertility issues resolved

IVF success story – Twins after a troublesome trauma Infertility issues resolved Mukerian


Twins after a troublesome trauma

Infertility has become a major issue in current times. We come across so many couples who are dealing with the trauma of infertility. Even couples of a young age are saddled in such hopeless situations. While the reasons in individual couples vary, it is quite evident that infertility has taken root and a multitude of people are in its clutches. The medications may be effective to some extent but some couples experience failure after running from here to there in search of a satisfactory treatment.But help is there,thanks to Sofat infertility centre. The clinic deals in treating infertility. Let’s have a look at one of the accounts of an infertile couple who tried many treatments but to no avail. Finally,they approached Sofat infertility clinic and after a few IVF cycles, they were able to conceive. Today they are proud parents of twins.


Start from the start

Hello, I would like to introduce myself. I am a person from Mukerian, Punjab. I got married at a suitable age. We made a lovely couple and we were blessed with all the blessings. Some were mischevious enough to wish us that may we become parents within the first year of marriage. The wishes no doubt made us blush. Well, that is a very natural thing to occur and after a while we found ourselves looking forward to our bundle of joy. But as time passed and we were not able to break the good news, we were plunged into the sea of a dark possibility: maybe we were suffering from fertility issues? We thought it would be better if we sought the help of medical professionals as we didn’t succeed in announcing the arrival of a child even after one year of trying.

The ordeal starts

Many discussions and advice later, we found ourselves running to various infertility clinics for our treatment. Initially , we thought that our treatment would be availed locally.But the fertility clinic in Mukerian didn’t live up to our expectations. We next opted for Pathankot.Here also we faced failure. We even went to Jalandhar for treatment but here also destiny didn’t favor us. We were again rendered without any hope of holding our own baby in our arms. We were still childless after 9 years of getting married.

IVF Treatment

Sure we had heard of IVF treatment but we didn’t know about the details. It is a technique in which the ovum is extracted from the female partner and the sperm is extracted from the male partner. This is carried out after analyzing the menstrual cycle of the female and rectifying ovulation issues of the female if any. The ovum and the sperm are fertilized in the lab in a petri dish. The resultant embryos are observed and the most suitable ones are implanted. Hopefully, the pregnancy is a success and so is the delivery.

Prayers answered

We heard about Dr. Sumita Sofat and her wonderful methodology of treatment. Although we had given up our hopes, we decided to give it a try. We started our treatment with her in Jan 2017. After a round of various IVF cycles, we were able to break the good news in may 2017. We were bestowed with 2 lovely babies in Jan 2018. Dr. Sumita Sofat is akin to god for us as she has given us the happiness which eluded us for almost a decade. We are really grateful to her and her whole team. Both epitomize professionalism and perfection.

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