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Patient With Nil Sperm Count Blessed with A Baby By Undergoing IVF Treatment

Success story with Nil sperm count Punjab


Another Success IVF Treatment

The pain and sadness of not able to get pregnant after 8 years of marriage are unexplainable. This feeling of incompleteness Priyanka and Gautam Sharma were facing every day. No doubt, like every other couple they also underwent different treatment options to treat infertility. But, all of this was in vain as they were not getting the positive results.

Little did they know the IVF educational camp organized by the Sofat Infertility & Women Care Centre will change their life for the better. They met our fertility doctor at the IVF centre and get to know various things which they did not know hear before.

First consultation

When the couple consulted our experienced and skilled fertility Dr. Sumita Sofat (Gynaecologist) for the IVF treatment it gave them a feeling of hope. The doctor interacted with them to discuss the reasons for the failure of previous treatment. 

Proper understanding is important

Every case is different so the patients must be informed in the right way. This is the reason Dr. Sumita Sofat also discussed the success factor of Priyanka and Gautam Sharma. They were informed about the complications which might occur while undergoing the treatment. The couple was married for 8 years and continues failure had a doubt in their mind what to expect.

Overwhelming start

The entire journey was the couple was very overwhelming. Our doctor told them everything so that all their previous doubts were cleared. The doctor also assured them despite the circumstances and complications, the couple can conceive. What they need to do is have faith and trust in her team.

The couple was very surprised how involved she was in the case from the start. Not only her but the entire staff was helpful. The doctor told them about the necessary medications which they need to take. If any problem arises the doctor personally handles their issue.

Our doctor also told them to get the positive results the maximum cycle needed will be 3. on hearing the news that there are chances they can get pregnant they were happy and overwhelmed. It showed on their face that our Sofat Infertility & Women Care Centre their faith restored and they were satisfied they were being treated.

Start of IVF Treatment

Once the treatment began, the couple was assisted properly. The couple was relieved that all the latest technology and methods were used. Everything was available for them under one roof which made it more convenient for them as they traveled from another city.

Finally, the news came they were listening to hear for a long time. The couple conceived successfully in their first cycle.

The couple mentioned, “This news is the best they hear in a long time. We are more than happy to make the right choice in the end. With the consultation of the doctor, we have finally become parents”.


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