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What is the relation between caffeine and fertility in both Male & Female?

Caffeine and infertility


Sofat Infertility & Women Care CentrePregnancy is the best period, that everyone wants to enjoy once in life. You may feel embarrassed when you see your nephew or niece because you are unable to conceive a baby naturally. This is not only for embarrassment situation but also affects your male partner, because he also has a feeling to play with a kid. In this condition, you need to visit the IVF centre in Punjab.

Since there are so many causes of infertility such as-:

  • Hormonal problems.

  • Genetic reasons.

  • Poor nutrition.

  • Obesity

  • reproductive tract problems.

  • Over-consumption of alcohol.

  • Smoking

  • Excessive consumption of coffee and tea.

Well, in this guide we are going to talk about caffeine, and it affects your reproductive tract.

A recent study reveals that caffeine affects negatively not only your ability to conceive a baby but also affects the semen quality in your male partner. You may not know that people who drink too much coffee or tea are at greater risk of infertility.

How overconsumption of caffeine affects your fertility?

An investigation was done by Jeffrey Roberts, who is an OB-GYN and co-director of the Pacific Centre for Reproductive Medicine in Burnaby.

For female-: In his investigation, he reveals that females who consume too much caffeine are at greater risk of low birth weight and leads to reduce blood flow via the placenta in the pregnancy period. No doubt caffeine has so many benefits for your health, but excessive consumption of caffeine leads you to problems.

He also reveals that women who consume more than 5 cups of coffee in a day, look so much time to conceive a baby naturally or clinically both ways. Caffeine is present in several types of foods, such as cold drinks, coffee, tea, and dark chocolate as well. So, if you are planning to conceive a baby, you must avoid consuming caffeine too much.

For males-: You do not think that caffeine is only harmful to women, no, it is also harmful to men’s reproductive health. You may not know that excessive consumption of caffeine leads them to low sperm count or poor sperm motility as well. So, if you are drinking excessive coffee or smoking, then you must quit it immediately. It will affect your ability to be a father.

Moreover, if you are suffering from infertility, then you must visit the specialist, and get the proper check-up for your condition. After proper consultation, he may recommend IVF treatment according to your condition. This is the only best treatment that gives you positive results about pregnancy or conception as well. Make sure, you must find the right specialist for this infertility treatment.

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