Self-care Guide For A Healthy IVF Pregnancy – Dr. Sumita Sofat

Self-care Guide For A Healthy IVF Pregnancy - Dr. Sumita Sofat

As a couple who is undergoing IVF, you must be feeling anxious about the success of the results. The treatment is good for both male and female infertility. Given below are some vitamins and minerals which will help you in ensuring high chances of success with your IVF cycles.

Self-care Guide For A Healthy IVF Pregnancy - Dr. Sumita Sofat

Folic acid is an essential nutrient required both before and during pregnancy. Many women are ignorant about the repercussions of their shortage and don’t take it during their pregnancy. If you also belong to that category, you will end up committing a grave mistake as it has many reasons to be taken during the crucial months of your (and your baby’s) life.

Folic acid is a type of vitamin B and is considered to be the most essential of the vitamin group. Folic acid, along with vitamin B12, helps in the growth of genes and cells. During pregnancy, your body has to ensure the proliferation of growth of your baby’s genes and cells. The fetus’s brain and spinal cord need special attention in the first 3 months of pregnancy.

The presence of extra folic acid helps in reducing the chances of neural defects like spina bifida and anencephaly in the baby. These defects can lead to mental disability and life-threatening conditions in the baby. According to the latest research, the consumption of folic acid prevents the chances of low birth weight.

Many women have babies with neurological problems. Taking extra folic acid, which means 400 micrograms per day, reduces the risk of the neurological problems in the baby by 70 percent. It is a habit with many women that they start taking folic acid once they know they’re pregnant. However, it is too late. Women should start three months earlier when they think about trying to conceive. According to Dr. Sumita Sofat (IVF Specialist), you should start taking folic acid throughout pregnancy and the breastfeeding phase.

Following are the top foods which are rich in folic acid:

1. Fortified breakfast cereals – You can eat cornflakes, they are tasty as well as full of folic acid content.

2. Orange juice – Be careful with this one as it can lead to diabetes due to its high glycemic index. It is better that you dilute it with water.

3. Fresh peas – This one is a cheap and natural product that will supply you with some other nutrients as well.

4. Potatoes – You will have to be careful with this option as well because it can elevate your blood sugar levels.

5. Spinach – It is a rich source of both vitamin-A and folic acid. So gorge on it.

6. Broccoli – This versatile and highly nutritious vegetable is a rich source of folic acid. However, steaming it rather than cooking it the conventional way will help in preserving its nutrients.

7. Bananas – Yes, they are a meal in itself but it has high sugar content. Having half a banana daily is the best option.

8. Peanuts – They are a rich source of protein as well. If eaten in moderation, they are perfectly safe during pregnancy.

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