Women feel over the moon when they become pregnant. It is the best feeling in the world when a woman hears that she is pregnant; that feeling can not be expressed in words. Many women think that missed periods are the only pregnancy symptom. However, this is not true; there are other symptoms as well.
Even before the missed period, there are some signs during early pregnancy that indicate that a woman is pregnant. Let us discuss those signs one by one.
Implantation bleeding
It is light bleeding or spotting that happens when the fertilised egg connects with the uterus, and women tend to consider this as early periods.
Mild cramps
The cramps a woman experiences during periods are unbearable; however, when a woman gets pregnant, at that time, she experiences cramps that are not unbearable; instead, these are mild and short-lived.
Increased basal body temperature
Some people are not well-versed with what basal body temperature is. The answer is that it is the temperature of the body when one’s body is totally at rest. When this temperature is more than the normal and lasts for 2 weeks or more, then this can be an indication that the woman is pregnant.
During pregnancy, the progesterone levels are increased, due to which, a person feels exhausted and tired a lot without any reason. This is also a pregnancy symptom.
Now let us discuss some common early pregnancy symptoms:
Missed period
Generally, when a woman misses periods, it is a sign that the woman may be pregnant. However, if a woman is taking a lot of stress or having some health issues, then only periods can get delayed.
Morning sickness
A pregnant woman tends to experience morning sickness, like feeling nausea. A woman can experience this throughout the day but especially in the morning, it is worse.
Tender and swollen breast
The breast becomes fuller when the hormonal levels increase in the body. This happens after one or two weeks of conception.
Frequent urination
The HCG (Human Chorionic Gonadotropin) levels in the body augment as a result of pregnancy, resulting in escalating the blood flow to the kidneys. As a result of which women pass urine more.
Food aversions and cravings
This can be a symptom in the first month of pregnancy only that the preferences of women in terms of food start to change. You can also notice that the edible item that women used to detest the most is now fond of. You can witness these types of changes.
Early pregnancy symptoms that are not common:
Mood swings
Owing to hormonal changes during pregnancy, the mood of a woman keeps on changing continuously. Sometimes, she is happy and other times, she is upset. Therefore, no one can predict how a woman will react to certain things.
A woman may feel dizzy due to low blood pressure or increased blood circulation. It is a feeling like one is about to faint.
Constipation and bloating
During pregnancy, the progesterone level in the body is more; therefore, a woman faces the issues of constipation and bloating as high progesterone levels slow down the digestion.
Dr Sumita Sofat Hospital is like a blessing for those who are not able to experience these symptoms of pregnancy. If you are encountering some issues in conceiving a child, then here we are to help you. We have already made many people privileged by making them parents; now it is your turn.