आईवीएफ ट्रीटमेंट के लिए सबसे उपयुक्त आयु कौन-सी मानी जाती है ?

आधुनिक काल में इनफर्टिलिटी की समस्या इस हद तक बढ़ गयी है की 10 में से हर तीसरी व्यक्ति इस समस्या से जूझ रहा  है, जिसके चलते कई महिलाओं को गर्भधारण करने में काफी दिक्कतों का सामना करना पड़ जाता है | यह समस्या महिला और पुरुष दोनों को ही हो सकती है, इसलिए इनफर्टिलिटी […]

IVF And Reasons For Infertility

Don'ts and Do's After Embryo Transfer

Fertility is the ability to get pregnant. Fertilisation maintains the diploid number of chromosomes in the newly formed zygote. Sometimes fertilisation does not work after sex due to different reasons such as poor sperm quality and hormonal issues, unhealthy diet, and stress. IVF treatment is the best option to get a healthy baby. IVF is […]

What is an ideal thickness range for the uterus if one wants to undergo IVF?


The lining of the uterus is known as the endometrium. It is a place where the embryo is implanted in the initial days of the pregnancy. For women that undergo IVF, the thickness of the uterine lining is quintessentially important. Did you know? The fertility doctors measure the thickness of the uterine lining before transferring […]

Researches Say, “COVID-19 Spared The IVF & The Natural Pregnancies “


When a couple loses all their hopes to conceive, then Best IVF Centre In Punjab comes as a ray of hope in the lives of those couples. The use of the various ART Procedures has brought happiness to the lives of many. But! But! But! Immediately after the COVID Situation, the couples are suggested by […]

Empirical assessment to plan and pay for your IVF treatment in 2022

_How to finance your IVF Treatment

Let me start the blog by saying, ‘Often difficult roads lead to beautiful destinations. In today’s blog, I am going to share the journey of patients who visited our IVF centre: Sofat Infertility & Women Care Centre, Punjab. Their journey of infertility has major roadblocks which made them think nothing would help them to get blessed […]

Everything you need to know about the IVF embryo transfer procedure

_Guide on IVF embryo transfer

Embryo transfers the last and most awaited procedure of IVF. Well, it is not merely about the transfer but there are a lot of things which go behind it. When you schedule your consultation at the best IVF Centre in Punjab the fertility doctor will make sure to guide you in detail about the procedure […]