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Tips on Pregnancy After Failed IVF

Tips on Pregnancy After Failed IVF


In Vitro Fertilization is the technique of joining sperm and egg outside the body in the laboratory dish. IVF can give benefit to any couple that is facing difficulty in conceiving naturally. Unfortunately the success of this treatment depends on various factors like age, infertility cause, mishappenings, and experience of surgeon so there might be chances for IVF failure in few cases.

Generally the couples get disappointed after unsuccessful pregnancy after this procedure but one failed cycle does not mean that you cannot get pregnant in life. Here are few tips for pregnancy after failed IVF cycle

Have Faith in IVF

At a good IVF clinic it is possible to get pregnant even after failed IVF cycle as there are number of couples that get their baby in second or even third attempt. So stop believing that IVF cannot work for you after one failure

Try next attempt at adequate time

IVF experts believe that one failed IVF can not affect the ovarian reserve of women and cannot prove her infertile for life but it is important to try again at correct time, it is highly recommended that wait till next menstrual cycle for next IVF attempt even it can give you break and time to balance your emotions after one failure. It is good to wait for month to try next IVF cycle so that you can get treatment with positivity that could lead to successful pregnancy

Understand why treatment was not successful

You must discuss with your doctor that why treatment was not successful in first attempt so that root cause for failure can be arrested and mended.

Even few women feel themselves cursed after one failed IVF cycle so it is important to know about real culprit as it is possible that cycle was failed due to unhealthy practice of inexperienced IVF doctors.

Success of treatment also depends on the experience of surgeon and choice of right IVF clinic so you may also plan to change your IVF specialist depending upon situation

Change your life style

It has been proved that smoker woman have 40% lesser chances of getting pregnant with IVF than the non smokers so avoid smoking and cut out alcohol consumption. Caffeine also disturb you conception so limit you tea or coffee intake if you are planning for next IVF cycle.

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