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Understanding ovulation and how to keep a check on it for maintaining fertility?

Understanding ovulation and how to keep a check on it for maintaining fertility


There are many women who are suffering from infertility. They always try to find out a way that they can detect their fertility or there was some parameter to find out what time they can get fertile.

What is a luteinizing hormone?

This is a hormone produced in the woman’s body by the pituitary gland.  Generally, its secretion remains considerably for the entire menstrual period of the woman. However, when a developing egg follicle has attained a definite size which usually occurs at the midpoint of the cycle, the LH secretion which is otherwise low is extremely high. This hormonal surge paves pay for ovulation cycle around 24 to 36 hours post the surge.

What is ovulation?

The discharge of a mature egg from the woman’s ovary is termed ovulation. It marks the onset of the fertile period of a woman. When the egg is released from the ovary, the ovary takes the structure of corpus luteum. This then starts releasing progesterone which is required to provide help to prospective pregnancy.

What is the importance of the LH surge?

The importance of LH surge can be understood from the fact that it signals towards the beginning of both the ovulation period and the menstrual period. This also directs the woman planning to have a child to get in intercourse with her partner without using any preventive measures for a successful pregnancy.

After the release of the egg, it is potential to fertilize only for 24 hours. Once that time period is over, the fertile window is closed.

How can a woman identify her LH surge?

It is very easy to detect the LH surge with the help of the ovulation predictor kits available in the pharmacies and the online stores. They operate similarly to the pregnancy kits. They detect the amount of hormone with the urine. When the LH surge is high, the kit gives a positive sign and vice-versa. As the LH surge is high only at the time of ovulation, the kit gives a positive response at the very crucial fertile period.

What is the frequency of testing LH surge?

There is no need to check LH surge every day as it is not high every day. The time of ovulation is 14 days before the women’s period and the LH surge happens to take place one or two days prior to that. Thus, knowing the time gap of occurrence between the two-period cycles can help a woman to find out when a woman needs to check her LH surge. The woman should start checking the LH surge on her OPK every day from the 13th day to not to miss out any day of LH surge.

Once it is detected, she can start trying with her partner for 24 to 26 hours on regular intervals to conceive. Overall, ovulation is helpful to know when can a woman get pregnant and help her to conceive if she identifies it at the right time.

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