PCOS is a polycystic ovary syndrome. It is a chronic disorder that affects the woman’s ovaries. It is a small organ that stores a woman’s eggs, but it affects the entire body, and this symptom affects women in the reproductive age group (18-45). According to our experts in IVF and fertility clinics, this is a common problem faced by women of childbearing age. In some cases, women in the world are dealing with this condition, which can lead to serious health issues if untreated. It is a complex and disturbing situation at the same time.

When a mature egg is released from an ovary, ovulation happens, and it can be fertilised by male sperm. If the egg isn’t fertilised, it is sent out of the body through a period. When a woman is dealing with PCOD/PCOS, the woman’s male hormone experiences irregular periods; When ovulation doesn’t happen, the ovaries can develop many small-filled cysts. Androgens are a hormone present in the cysts. This cyst is basically found in men in large amounts, but women normally have them in smaller amounts. The increase in androgen levels in women is due to PCOS, and this is the reason women face many problems in their menstrual cycle.
The exact reason for PCOS/PCOD is not known, but it can be due to lifestyle changes or eating habits. Experts said that when insulin is increased in the body, it may cause high androgen levels. Obesity can be the reason for increased levels of insulin in the body, which may worsen the symptoms of PCOS. It can be treated with medicine but can’t be cured fully. It helps only to reduce the symptoms and prevent more health issues. You can get expert advice on women’s infertility from the best fertility clinic to relieve PCOS.
- Ovaries that are large or contain many cysts
- Irregular, lighter or missed periods
- Extra body hair, including chest, stomach and back
- Heavy or painful periods
- Skin darkening on areas like on the neck, under the breast
- Weight around the belly
- Severe acne or oily skin
- Hair thinning
- Fatigue
- Unwanted or excessive hair growth (mostly in the places where men tend to have hair)
The female infertility experts ask about your history, your eating habits and lifestyle and check your symptoms properly. Then, you have a physical exam in which pelvic examination can also be included. This exam basically checks the reproductive organs, both inside and outside of the body. Some of the symptoms may be caused due to0 the other reasons, so you may also have tests such as:
- Ultrasound: This test involves sound waves, and a computer creates pictures that help to look at the size of ovaries and see if they have cysts or not. The thickness and lining of the uterus can be checked through this test.
- Blood test: This test helps to check the levels of androgens in your body. The fertility expert may check your glucose levels, cholesterol and triglyceride levels.

The treatment can be dependent on various factors. It includes your age, how severe your symptoms are, and overall health. If you want to become pregnant in future, the treatment is done accordingly.
- Changes in your lifestyle: Take a healthy and nutritious diet, and do some kind of physical activity like walking, yoga, etc. This may help to reduce the symptoms. Making these changes helps your body use insulin efficiently and may help it to ovulate properly.
- Medication to cause ovulation: Consult the best fertility expert so that they provide you with medications that help the ovaries release the egg normally. There is a risk in the medication: it can increase the chances of multiple births (twins or more) and cause hyperstimulation. This is the situation when ovaries release too many hormones, and it can cause increased belly floating and pelvic pain.
If you are suffering from irregular periods or may have symptoms, you can consult the healthcare provider to avoid any complications in future. It is a very common condition and can be treated with medicine, and only some women can struggle with this problem with physical symptoms like excessive weight gain, hair growth, acne, etc. You can get the best treatment and guidance from the experts at Dr. Sumita Sofat Hospital.
We have years of experience in this field and give better advice to avoid any future complications. Our experts understand a patient’s medical history and consider other factors carefully before suggesting any kind of treatment and procedure. We have a complete team of PCOD/PCOS specialists, IVF experts, and gynaecologists who will give you complete and attentive care during your treatment. Get in touch with us ! to get a better solution to your problem.