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What are the topmost things you should discuss about IVF with your fertility expert?

Consulting the fertility doctor


Smart people are those who do doctor shopping. You must be thinking what is doctor shopping? It is a type of shopping where you will visit different doctors for a specific treatment. Let us make it more simple for you to understand. If you are experiencing infertility issues then you will meet at an IVF centre in Punjab and expect the best treatment for yourself. So rather than trusting the first fertility expert you are meeting you should take multiple opinions by meeting various doctors.

IVF comes as a boon to the couple experiencing fertility issues. It is observed that the couple does doctor shopping due to the following factors mentioned below:

  • Couples confirm whether they need IVF or not

By meeting multiple fertility experts, the couple clears whether they actually need IVF treatment or not. There are many other options available for them, what are the advantages, disadvantages of it and much more. You need the best fertility expert for the fertility issues and need a doctor which will explain to you everything about the treatment.

  • The success rate of the treatment

Of course, if you are spending an amount of money to get good news, then you should ask what the success rate of the IVF treatment is? Do you know the success rate depends on various factors mentioned below:


  1. Health condition of the patient
  2. Age of the patient
  3. Experience of the fertility expert
  4. Facilities given by the hospital
  5. Location of the hospital

Apart from the above-mentioned factors, the patient should also check minor things such as cleanliness, the gender of the expert and so on. You should also check who is going to handle your embryo. Clear all your doubts by asking multiple questions from the expert. Also do not forget to check the success rate of the centre by checking the reviews, rating of the hospital.

  • Discuss the budget of the treatment

There are some of the clinics or hospitals which do not speak about the amount clearly and end up increasing the budget of the patient. So patients should ask about the budget clearly and also enquire about the hormonal injections, substandard drugs, semen freezing, embryo freezing, blastocyst transfer, frozen embryo transfer and much more from the fertility expert. Before starting the treatment only you should clear everything.

  • Publicity of the IVF centres

Do not trust the publicity done by IVF centres. Before making any decision you should decide the IVF centre on the parameters discussed above. If you will blindly trust the publicity done by the clinic, hospitals then you won’t be able to get the desired result.


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