What is the definition of PGT?

Nowadays, most of the females are suffering from infertility because of several reasons and go for IVF treatment. PGT is a technique that is used to diagnose the abnormalities in the embryo. Preimplantation genetic testing is the full form of the PGT test. It is a form of early prenatal genetic diagnosis test in which abnormal embryos are identified, and only genetically normal embryos are used for implantation. It has become an integral part of assisted reproductive technology procedures. 

What is the definition of the PGT? 

Preimplantation genetic testing is a cutting-edge procedure used to identify congenital abnormalities in embryos created with in vitro fertilization. The main aim of PGT is to allow your physician to select embryos predicted to be free of a specific genetic condition and chromosomal abnormalities for transfer. The famous IVF Centre in Punjab offers you the PGT test. 

Different types of the PGT testing

There are different types of PGT testing. 

  • PGT-A: It is also known as aneuploidy testing. PGT-A is prescribed for individuals or couples with advanced maternal age, recurrent miscarriages, or multiple failed IVF cycles. It helps identify embryos with the correct number of chromosomes, reducing the risk of implantation failure and miscarriage.
  • PGT-SR: Another name for PGT-SR is Structural Rearrangements. PGT-SR is recommended for individuals or couples with known structural rearrangements in their chromosomes. It assists in selecting embryos without specific structural rearrangements, reducing the risk of passing them on to offspring.
  • PGT-M: PGT-M is commonly known as Monogenic Disorder. PGT-M is prescribed for individuals or couples with known monogenic disorders or a high risk of carrying such disorders. It allows for identifying embryos free from specific monogenic disorders, increasing the chances of a healthy pregnancy.
  • Ni-PGT: Ni-PGT is used in cases where invasive embryo biopsy may not be possible or preferred. It enables genetic testing using non-invasive methods such as analyzing cell-free DNA from the embryo culture media, providing valuable genetic information without embryo biopsy. It is called Non-Invasive PGT. 

What are the benefits of PGT testing? 

PGT testing is beneficial in different ways.

  • Improved embryo selection: The main goal of PGT is to increase the likelihood that your selected embryo will lead to a successful, healthy conception for your future family. PGS testing reduces the risk of miscarriage, decreases the time it takes to become pregnant, and lowers the need for transferring multiple embryos.
  • Gender selection: It is also known as family balancing and family planning. You can use PGS and PGT-A to see sex chromosomes and transfer the embryo of their desired gender.
  • Prevent genetic transmission of unknown abnormalities: PGT does not test specific diseases but instead looks for chromosomal abnormalities like number and position. By performing PGT on your viable embryos, your fertility doctor can select chromosomally normal embryos and rule out those that would prevent a healthy birth, even if they appear high-quality before screenings.
  • Optimized chance of a successful pregnancy: PGT gives your fertility doctors insight into which embryos will be most likely to implant and develop healthily. Suppose your embryos display specific abnormalities that prevent the transferred embryo from investing within the uterus or developing during its early stages.
  • Quicker time to pregnancy: Using PGT-A, your fertility clinic can avoid unsuccessful embryo transfers by first transferring the healthiest embryos and understanding which embryos will help you achieve a full-term pregnancy.
  • Reduced monetary burden: Depending on your provider and payment options, PGS testing is sometimes an additional expense. Still, the procedure gives insight into which embryos are worth transferring and freezing. 
  • Less uncertainty: A significant benefit of PGS/PGT-A is the reduced uncertainty patients may experience before and after the embryo transfer. PGS provides an ensured healthy embryo, a lower risk of pregnancy loss, and less emotional stress.
  • Identify fertility treatment options: You should prepare for the possibility of genetically flawed embryos, meaning that your fertility doctor can’t transfer them to the uterus when undergoing Preimplantation genetic testing. 

In this era, infertility is very common, and females and males are suffering. There are different treatments available for infertility for both males and females. In-vitro-fertilization is very common, and before implantation of the embryo, doctors prefer to do a PGT test that is beneficial to check the abnormalities in the embryo. PGT test is available at the Best IVF Centre in India, Dr. Sumita Sofat IVF hospital.