Decoding the Semen Analysis: What Your Sperm Count and Motility Mean

What are the tips given by fertility experts to boost the sperm count

Everybody wants happiness in their lives. Couples experience changes in their lives after getting married. But the biggest factor they come across is the pressure to become parents. Parents, grandparents, and other relatives would pressurise them to hear the good news. However, there are some factors that hamper the quality of producing a child despite […]

A Compassionate Guide to Vaginismus and Finding Support

Certain vaginal health myths

Vaginismus, a challenge some face, involves involuntary muscle tightness around the vagina, causing discomfort during penetration. Think of it like a reflex, not a choice. Seeking support and understanding from healthcare professionals is crucial for effective management and treatment, enabling individuals to lead fulfilling lives. If you are seeking assistance, consider reaching out to a […]

 What is Low Testosterone in Women?

Best IVF Doctor in Punjab

Testosterone is a male hormone, but females also produce some amount of Testosterone. It is important for several functions of the female’s body. Deficiency of Testosterone can impact the health of the female. It can also cause infertility in females. The IVF technology can treat infertility. Dr. Sumita Sofat provides you with guidance and treatment […]

क्या आईवीएफ के दौरान महिलाओं को सिजेरियन डिलीवरी का खतरा रहता है


सीज़ेरियन सेक्शन या जिसे सीज़ेरियन प्रसव भी कहा जाता है और इसका अर्थ है कि आपके बच्चे का जन्म ऑपरेशन के जरिए होता है। तो वही इस सर्जरी को लेकर बहुत सी महिलाओं के मन में ये सवाल भी घूम रहें होंगे की क्या आईवीएफ के जरिये भी हमे ऑपरेशन की समस्या का सामना करना […]

How are diabetes patients at increased risk of getting fertility issues?


Be it male or female; both are struggling with infertility issues. Moreover, the problem is likely to occur due to several reasons. One of them is Diabetes. If you are trying to conceive or have issues getting pregnant on your own, then schedule an initial consultation at one of the best IVF center in Punjab […]

Is it possible for IVF Mothers to deliver a baby vaginally?


Women who have conceived with IVF often give up on the thought of delivering a baby normally. The rumours and the misleading information have been successful in making 85% of the ‘IVF-Mothers-To-Be’ believe that natural delivery is not possible for them. Dr Sumita Sofat says, “To deliver a baby naturally or normally does not get […]

What are the most common tips to find the best infertility clinic near you?

What are the most common tips to find the best infertility clinic near you?

Sofat Infertility & Women Care Centre: One of the top-rated IVF Centre in Punjab, helping the childless couple to have a ray of hope of becoming parents. Our fertility clinic in Ludhiana did one research which pointed out that patients struggle to find the best fertility clinic for the treatment plan. Are you encountering the […]

What are the different factors which help you to choose the fertility clinic?

What are the different factors which help you to choose the fertility clinic?

HOW TO LOOK FOR THE BEST FERTILITY CLINIC? Infertility is becoming a worldwide problem, which means a couple is unable to get pregnant naturally. According to the statistics, 1 in 6 couples or 15% of couples is diagnosed with infertility around the world. The inability to get pregnant can happen with any of the partners. […]

What are the causes of stillbirth? How can you prevent this from happening?

What are the causes of stillbirth How can you prevent this from happening

The loss of pregnancy gives you a devastating feeling. No matter if it has happened at the earlier stage or the later stage, the grief of losing the baby is always the same. So in this blog post, we are going to discuss everything about stillbirth. What exactly is stillbirth? When the woman experiences the […]