Is There Any Kind Of Relationship With Male Obesity And Male Infertility?

Is There Any Kind Of Relationship With Male Obesity And Male Infertility?

Male infertility is the most stressful situation in most of the childless couples. There are numbers of the reasons that are responsible for the male infertility. Some are bad life style, more consumption of fast food, hereditary problems etc. Infertility is caused by the number of the factors such as functional and the emotional factors. Sometimes, deficiency of the nutrients may be the reason for the infertility. You can get the best infertility treatment from the best IVF centre in Faridkot.

Different types of infertility:

  • Primary infertility: This is infertility that is without any or previous pregnancy.

  • Secondary infertility: this is infertility that is present in those couples who has the child in the past.

  • Sterility: sterility is the condition when there is no chance of the pregnancy.


Male obesity has three-fold in the last three decades. Obesity is coincided with the male infertility. This is the rising fact that obesity affects the reproductive capability of the man. It results in the low sperm count in the man. Obesity also changes the physiological as well as molecular frame work in the testes. The best IVF centre in Chandigarh will provide you the best male infertility treatment at an affordable price.

Is obesity responsible for male infertility?

The main cause of the male infertility is the metabolic syndrome. This is actually the combination of the disorders. This consists of diabetes, heart disease, hypertension and especially high distribution of the belly fat.

When the male becomes fatty, the fat cells of the male are producing the more estrogen. The excess of the estrogen disturbs the proper functioning of the testicles. This will also create disturbance in the blood circulation of the tester tone.

In the last 5 to 10 years, it has been detected that male obesity is directly related to the changes in the oocyte that badly affect the embryo development. This also affects the prospective pregnancy after IVF. Records show that overweight male partner and standard woman weight has fewer chances of getting pregnant as compared to the couples with the standard body weight. Obesity also result in the blastocyst development, sperm binding problem etc. in the end, it adversely affects the male infertility. There is also reduction in the fertility level of the male member.

Obesity may also lead to the erectile dysfunction in the men. Erectile dysfunction is the main cause of the infertility in men. Obesity is also related to the low tester bone. There may also less production of the sperm. When men lose the body weight and maintain the good weight, this will help to increase the androgen levels in the male. With this, there is proper balance of the hormones in your body.

Every problem has the solution. It is recommended that you consult the best IVF centre in Fatehgarh Sahib. The expert team of the doctors will examine you properly and provide the best infertility treatment. Sofat hospital is renowned in all over the world.

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