Patient From Gurdaspur Gets Test tube Baby Treatment From Sofat Infertility Hospital

Patient From Gurdaspur Gets Test tube Baby Treatment From Sofat Infertility Hospital

Patient From Gurdaspur Gets Test tube Baby Treatment From Sofat Infertility Hospital

Infertility is an ugly truth we all have to live with. While some couples are blessed and face no trouble in conceiving a baby naturally, some are not so lucky. Many couples fail to have a baby on account of infertility which could be present in either or both the partners. The dilemma of such couples starts with the diagnosis of infertility and continues to haunt them as they take countless rounds of various infertility clinics. Some do not get to see the realization of their most cherished dream.

Various infertility centers have cropped up in recent years. But only the best suit the purpose. one must select the method of treatment and treatment center carefully so as to get full value for their money. It is a well-known fact that the infertility treatment is quite expensive. Therefore it is necessary that one chooses the clinic after a lot of research. One such name which figures among the top infertility centers of India is Sumita Sofat infertility center.It is located in Ludhiana. It’s name figures among the best test tube baby clinic in India.We would like to chronicle the dilemma of a   childless couple who were disillusioned and had lost hopes of having their own baby. But fate smiled upon them and they received the  gift of their baby  ,thanks to Dr.Sofat’s efforts. Let’s take a look at the case-

Gurmeet Kaur and her husband Gurvinder Singh are residents of Gurdaspur. Unlike many other couples who approach the infertility centers,this couple had been married for a period of 30 years but they failed to have a baby during that period. Thet tried very doctor and availed treatment at many cities but it didn’t work in their favor. They went tirelessly to many big cities like Amritsar but things didn’t work out there too. Gurmeet tried many medicines to counter her infertility but here also they faced only negative results. After a  relative referred them to Dr. Sofats’s clinic, they thought of trying it out despite having the least hopes of realizing their dream. But thanks to the tireless efforts of Dr. Sofat and the extreme professionalism of the staff, the couple were blessed with a baby through the IVF technique. The couple was overjoyed to announce the arrival of their daughter to the world. Both the husband and wife are grateful to the whole medical team which dealt their case with extreme patience,genteel and high degree of professionalism.

How does IVF help in conceiving a baby?

IVF is one of the ART (artificial reproduction techniques) which are employed to help infertile couples have a baby of their own. It is also known as in vitro fertilization.Going by the literal meaning, it implies a baby which was conceived in a test tube. It is a process in which the procedure of fertilization of the ovum and the sperm is carried out artificially in a lab. Post the successful fertilization,the embryos are allowed to develop for 1-2 days. The best embryos are implanted into the woman’s body. After successful implantation,a successful pregnancy should follow. Of course, if all goes well, the woman delivers a healthy baby at the end of the gestation period.

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