What is IVF? A Guide to the In Vitro Fertilization Process

Guide to Finding Out Whether You Need Infertility Treatment

If you are not very well aware of the details related to IVF, we will help you out. In this article, we will bring to light the fact related to IVF. About one in every nine couple seems to be struggling with the stigma of infertility. The treatment which has offered them a ray of hope is the IVF treatment.

What does IVF involve?

IVF is the process of egg fertilization carried out in the lab environment. It involves the extraction of eggs from the female’s body. These are monitored for their genetic quality and survival chances. The better ones are implanted into the woman. Two weeks later, the woman hopefully reports a positive pregnancy report if all goes well. Thereafter, a healthy baby is delivered after the gestation period. The baby born with IVF is known as a test tube baby.

Who are the ideal candidates for IVF?

Both women and men are showing an increase in infertility. Treatment includes correction of problems in both. IVF may be used in cases where the female has blocked fallopian tubes or the male is suffering from sperm related conditions like oligospermia and azoospermia.

Who is not an ideal candidate?

It is not a very pleasant truth but not all women are ideal candidates for IVF. Women with premature ovarian failure or a serious medical problem can’t be recommended to opt for IVF. Women who come from the economically weak background may also face trouble as it is a financially taxing process. Women who have undergone their menopause or the ones who can’t produce eggs cant opt for an IVF if they don’t use the services of an egg donor. They can avail the technique if they had their eggs frozen before they stopped producing them

IVF: Is it Successful?

The success of IVF depends on several factors. It depends primarily on the age of the woman. A woman under 35 has higher chances of conception than a woman above 35. The egg quantity and quality of a younger woman are better than that of an older woman. The health status and the lifestyle of the woman is also a deciding factor. If the woman follows a healthy lifestyle and takes a nutritious diet, she will have higher chances of conception. Refraining from alcohol and tobacco, having an ideal weight are other conditions which help achieve success in IVF.

Most women undergoing IVF don’t have any symptoms but some of them report the following problems-

1. Tenderness in the breasts

2. Cramping

3. Feeling bloated

4. Clear or bloody discharge from the vagina

5. Mood swings

6. Problem with the bowel movement (constipation)

7. Abdominal pain

8. OHSS (ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome)

9. Shortness of breath

10. Dizziness

Some of the symptoms are due to the hormonal medication the woman is required to take. While some of the women may feel the symptoms on a mild scale, some might experience them on a strong scale. OHSS and excessive bloody discharge must be reported to the doctor immediately.

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